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#212 : La cinquième page

Alors que Maia est toujours hospitalisée, Diana remarque qu'une page manque au dossier médical de sa fille. Shawn, quant à lui, ne réussit plus à guérir. Seule Lily est au courant de son état. Shawn lui demande de garder le secret. Le NTAC s'inquiète, de nombreux 4400 semblent malades. 


3.75 - 4 votes

Titre VO
The Fifth Page

Titre VF
La cinquième page

Première diffusion

Première diffusion en France


extrait 1

extrait 1


Photos promo

Kyle (Chad Faust)

Kyle (Chad Faust)

Dennis Ryland au NTAC

Dennis Ryland au NTAC

Dennis Ryland (Peter Coyote)

Dennis Ryland (Peter Coyote)

Shawn est malade

Shawn est malade

Richard s'exprime

Richard s'exprime

Tom, Diana et Marco au travail

Tom, Diana et Marco au travail

Alana en quarantaine

Alana en quarantaine

Maia en quarantaine

Maia en quarantaine

Les agents du NTAC Tom, Dennis et Diana

Les agents du NTAC Tom, Dennis et Diana

Shawn et Maia en quarantaine

Shawn et Maia en quarantaine

Shawn en quarantaine

Shawn en quarantaine

Dennis Ryland travaille

Dennis Ryland travaille

Matthew Ross au Centre

Matthew Ross au Centre

Kyle dans la rue

Kyle dans la rue

Alana et Tom en conflit

Alana et Tom en conflit

Un médecin

Un médecin

Marco (Richard Kahan)

Marco (Richard Kahan)

Marco, Tom et Diana au NTAC

Marco, Tom et Diana au NTAC

Kyle et la 4400 Alison Driscoll assis à une table

Kyle et la 4400 Alison Driscoll assis à une table

Tom (Joel Gretsch)

Tom (Joel Gretsch)

Shawn à l'hôpital

Shawn à l'hôpital

En quarantaine

En quarantaine

Maia en quarantaine

Maia en quarantaine

Matthew Ross (Garret Dillahunt)

Matthew Ross (Garret Dillahunt)

Alana est malade

Alana est malade

La 4400 Alison Driscoll est malade

La 4400 Alison Driscoll est malade

Shawn est malade

Shawn est malade

Le centre Les 4400

Le centre Les 4400

Shawn est malade

Shawn est malade

Photo de l'épisode #2.12

Diana (Jacqueline McKenzie)

Diana (Jacqueline McKenzie)

Kyle (Chad Faust)

Kyle (Chad Faust)

Tom (Joel Gretsch)

Tom (Joel Gretsch)

Kyle (Chad Faust)

Kyle (Chad Faust)

Plus de détails

Scott Peters

Ira Steven Behr & Craig Sweeny

Casting (guests)
Keegan Connor Tracy - Alison Driscoll
Harris Allan - Sam Marsden

Alana emménage enfin chez Tom et Kyle. Mais ce matin, Alana semble absente, elle demande à Kyle de lui prescrire un traitement le croyant médecin. Tom est assez surpris…

Camp Dekker, en quarantaine
Diana feuillette le dossier médical de Maïa, quand elle découvre que bizarrement la cinquième page du dossier est manquante. Elle demande des explications au médecin qui lui explique que son infirmière avait fait une erreur sur la page. Selon lui Maïa souffre d’une pneumonie.

Shawn est toujours aussi malade, il ne peut désormais plus guérir. Seule Lily est au courant, il lui demande de ne rien révéler à personne. De son côté, le NTAC tente de comprendre ce qu’il se passe, de nombreux 4400 sont malades et voient apparaître de petits boutons sur le corps. Au même instant, Ryland fait son retour, il remplace Jarvis qui est toujours blessée. Tom et Diana sont ravis de le revoir.

Au Centre 4400
Lily suspecte toujours la nourrice d’Isabelle. Quant à Matthew Ross, il découvre Shawn totalement affaibli.

Kyle s’en veut lorsqu’il découvre les gros titres d’un journal : « La maison du meurtrier de Collier vandalisée », il se rend sur les lieux. Au même instant la petite amie de Roy, le sois disant tueur, sort. Elle découvre que l’une des roues de sa voiture a été volontairement crevée. Kyle lui propose son aide.

Tom est appelé au Centre 4400, Alana est perturbée. Elle réclame le musée Collier et ses tableaux. Tom tente de la raisonner, il surprend alors de petits boutons sur le bras de sa femme il décide de l’emmener en quarantaine.

Ryland fait le point sur la situation. Puisque la « maladie » se propage, Washington demande que chacun des 4400 soit remis en quarantaine, qu’ils soient malades ou non ! Les 4400 ont alors ordre de se manifester dans les douze heures.

Au chevet de Maïa
Diana consulte à nouveau le dossier médical de sa fille. La cinquième page manquante est réapparue mais certains passages ont été noircis, ce qui étonne Diana.

Brian prend contact avec Lily. Il s’inquiète pour elle, tout comme sa fille Heïdi. De leur côté, Tom et Diana demandent à Matthew Ross de livrer chaque 4400 présent au Centre. Celui refuse, mais propose cependant que chaque 4400 qui le souhaite soit pris en charge par les médecins du Centre.

Kyle aide maintenant la petite famille de Roy à repeindre la porte de leur pavillon qui a été taguée. Il se fait passer pour un autre. Quant à Shawn, totalement abattu, nomme Richard à son poste. Il décide d’intégrer le centre de quarantaine, là bas il rencontre Maïa. Tous deux discutent du fait qu’ils n’ont plus leur pouvoir respectif.

Kevin Burkhoff, membre de l’équipe scientifique du Centre 4400, révèle les résultats de ces recherches au Docteur Max Hudson, membre de l’équipe médical du NTAC, en échange de quoi ce dernier fera de même. Mais le docteur refuse invoquant le secret d’Etat. Tom et Diana demandent alors à Marco de récupérer les dossiers et les transmettre secrètement à Kevin Burkhoff.

Lily et Richard surprennent toute une équipe, dirigée par Matthew Ross, en train d’effectuer des expériences sur Isabelle. Fou de rage, le couple décide de quitter le Centre, mais aux vues des circonstances Lily et Richard préfèrent tout de même rester.

Kyle reste dîner avec la petite amie de Roy et son frère, Sam. Ce dernier fouille le porte feuille de Kyle et découvre alors sa véritable identité et le fait que son père travaille pour le NTAC. De son côté, le NTAC envahit le Centre afin de récupérer tous les 4400 mais il est trop tard : Matthew Ross et Richard les ont emmenés ailleurs. Quant à Lily, avec l’aide de Brian, s’enfuit avec Isabelle pour la protéger. Elle ne met pas Richard au courant.

Tom et Diana rencontrent Kevin Burkhoff. En colère, il leur révèle que tout cela est dû au NTAC lui-même. Lors de la toute première quarantaine, les médecins ont injecté à chaque 4400 une substance nommée Promicine Inhibiteur, ce qui altère leurs défenses immunitaires.

La Cinquième Page
(2x12: The Fifth Page)

Directed by SCOTT PETERS

**Previously on The 4400**

When Tom first meets Diana.

Ryland: This is where I give you the speech about how you’re my best field scientist, and Tom is my best lead investigator, and how together you’re gonna make a good team.

Tom’s home, around the dinner table, after meeting Alana.

Kyle : Let me see if I’ve got this straight: you two met, fell in love, and spent eight years together in some kind of alternate reality.
Tom: Yeah.

Tom to Alana, as she prepares to take Kyle abroad

Tom: What time is the flight?
Alana: Uh, noon.
Kyle: Say goodbye to Mom for me.

Diana to Tom at the bus terminal

Diana: They arrested a suspect forty minutes ago. Claim he’s our guy.

In a car garage.

Nina: Roy Keith Marsden.

In Tom's office; to Alana on the phone

Tom: Forget about the flight. Bring Kyle home. They just arrested a suspect in the Collier killing.

In Shawn's office; to Olivia who is blind

Shawn: It’s gonna feel a little weird, but when we’re done, you’ll be able to see again.
Olivia: When does it start? When do I see again?

Shawn has lost the ability to heal.

Shawn: Just give me one moment, okay?

At the Abendson Mental Facility.

Kevin’s a genius, you know.

A scene after Kevin attacks Tom when he and Diana take Tess from the facility.

Tom: You’re saying that Burkhoff is the father of the 4400 technology.

Kevin to Dr. Clayton

Kevin: I can think again, too.

In Diana's home; to Maia

Diana: You’ve got a real fever, young lady. 

In the NTAC Medical.

Diana to Dr. Hudson, referring to Maia’s rash

Diana: I’ve worked at the CDC for seven years, and I never saw anything like it.

Lily to Richard in their apartment

Lily: I was changing her. She has these marks on her skin.
Richard: Marks? Bruises?
Lily: No. Like irritations. Like someone had her hooked up to something.

Nina to the rioting male agents

Nina: What did I just tell you?

Park shoots her.

After the situation ends, to Tom as she is placed in an ambulance

Nina: You’re in charge until I’m relieved. Whatever manpower is still up walking, start picking up the pieces.
Tom: I’ll handle it. Don’t worry about it.

Opening scene: Tom’s home.

Moving boxes, Tom to Kyle

Tom: Okay. Seriously. My back is about to call it a day. Okay? Just come on.
Kyle: You’re not helping.
Tom: Where’s this going? 

Alana moves to help.

Alana: Right there.

Alana is Putting down the box, laughing.

Tom: Please say that was the last box.
Alana: That’s it.

Tom is breathless.

Tom: Okay.
Alana: We’re officially living in sin.
Tom: Oh, really. Well, I prefer to call it: “resuming our eight-year marriage.”  

He kisses her.

Kyle: Call it whatever you want, just don’t kiss in front of me again, okay? That’s disgusting.

He breaks into a smile.

Alana: Oh, your father thinks this is so romantic, but what he doesn’t know is the reason I’m moving in is to take down his tacky golf stuff.
Tom: What? And replace it with what? Oh, oh! Paint splatters? Maybe a picture of a triangle that sells for three grand?
Kyle: Kids!
Alana: It’s art.
Kyle: Kids!  Work out these decorating issues amongst yourselves. But I’m dead serious about this kissing rule, okay? It’s non-negotiable.

Tom kisses her, and they both laugh.

Alana: Oh, Kyle, my allergies are bothering me again. Could you write me another prescription before you go?
Tom: Uh, Alana. Kyle’s only a doctor in the world you created for me, remember?

Alana double-takes.

Alana: I’m sorry. Ah! I had a brain freeze.

She laughs it off.

Alana: Right.

She leaves.

Scene change: hospital room.

Diana tries to decipher Maia’s medical writeup.

Hudson: Trying to decipher my handwriting?
Diana: I was just on the verge of giving up, actually.
Hudson: Good. Bad penmanship is the best way for a doctor to keep his mystique. 

He takes the paperwork from Diana.

Diana: There’s a page missing in there. It goes from page four to page six.
Hudson: Sorry. I’m breaking in a new nurse.  

Diana murmurs.

Dr Hudson: So, listen. I think we finally know what’s wrong with your daughter. Maia’s suffering from a type of pneumonia called pneumocystis jiroveci; it’s “PJP” for short.
Diana: I’ve never heard of it.
Hudson: It’s rare, but we can treat it.

Diana is relieved.

Diana: Well, thank God!
Hudson: But this kind of pneumonia could be a symptom for something more serious. Now, we’ve tested her for every virus: all negative.
Diana: So, where is it coming from?
Hudson: We don’t know, but we’re running more tests. We’ll figure it out.

Scene change: 4400 Center.

Shawn to Lily

Shawn: It’s not that big of a deal. You know. I’ve just—I’ve been working real hard lately. I think I got the flue or something.  Everybody gets that, right?
Lily: Sure. It’s just—Shawn—you can’t heal.
Shawn: For now.
Lily: I think you should get it checked out.
Shawn: If I can’t kick it in a day or two, I will. But—uh—until then, can you reschedule all my foundation appointments?  Tell them that it’s temporary.

Lily murmurs.

Shawn: Make sure they know that. 

As she starts to leave

Shawn: Lily, don’t tell anyone I can’t heal.

Lily: Sure. 

She starts to leave.

Shawn: Thank you. 


Shawn: Lily, I mean it. Nobody. 

After she exits, he rises.

Shawn: Oh, God!

He examines himself in a mirror. He is covered with the rash.

Shawn: Ah!

Scene change: San Antonio, Texas.

Rose Woodard [disappeared December 1, 1991] examines her arm with the same rash.

Utica, New York: Matthew Lombard, a homeless man [disappeared May 30, 1977], coughs as he sits on a street.

Frankfurt, Germany: Werner Loecher [disappeared April 19, 1973] is wheeled into an ambulance.

Scene change: NTAC.

looking at a screen in the operations room showing a depiction of hundreds of people becoming sick.

Tom: How many are sick?
Marco: Three hundred—that we know of. Medical says more calls keep coming in.
Tom: So, what is it?
Diana: Well, it’s some kind of immune system disorder, and it’s leaving the 4400 vulnerable to all kinds of diseases.

Scene change: NTAC helipad.

Agent to a female agent

Agent: His plane landed at Seatac on schedule. Chopper should be here any minute.

He takes a folder from her; he looks at a Styrofoam cup.

Agent: What’s that?
Woman: They told me he likes green tea.

In the operations room.

Tom: Is it contagious?
Diana: We don’t know.
Marco: Were they infected while they were gone? Maybe they brought this back with them.
Diana: Well, maybe, we just don’t know.

Agent to Ryland
Agent: The situation is fluid. 

Agent hands Ryland a folder.

Agent: But here’s a summary of what we know so far.
Woman: Uh, sir?  

She hands Ryland the green tea.

Woman: They told me you’d want this.

Diana: The numbers just keep getting bigger.
Marco: So, we’re recovering from an attack on this building, the Division commander’s still in the hospital, what are we supposed to do?

Ryland addressing the room

Ryland: We take to the field.
Garrity: Ryland? Where did he come from?
Ryland: We’re gonna have every 4400 in this jurisdiction tested for this sickness by day’s end.
Tom: Dennis! Is it good to see you!

Ryland shaking his hand.

Ryland: Tom. Diana.
Diana: What brings you to Seattle, Ryland?
Ryland: I’m assuming temporary command of this division. My orders are to do something about the spread of this epidemic. I’m gonna figure out a way to do just that.

In Nina’s office, referring to Nina’s nameplate.

Tom: You might want to move that, unless you want people calling you “Nina.”

Tom picks up the nameplate.

Ryland chuckles.

Ryland: How’s Jarvis doing?
Tom: They set her collarbone. Doctors said she should be back in two weeks.
Ryland: My guess: she makes it in one.

Tom sitting down.

Tom: Yeah. So, how’s DC?
Ryland: Oh, it’s a lot of networking. Lots of dinner parties. Patty loves it.
Tom: And you?
Ryland: Well, the Pacific Northwest is the flashpoint. I kind of feel like I was promoted out of the game.
Tom: A lot of guys here would trade places with you.
Ryland: I wouldn’t blame them. A woman releases plague into the air; a terrorist attack on the building: some people I work for think you’re in the middle of a war.
Tom: I’m sure it looks that way on paper.
Ryland: Well, don’t get defensive. I’m still preaching the gospel of Highland Beach. I still believe the 4400 came back here to change things for the better.
Tom: Yeah. And the people you work for?
Ryland: Don’t worry about them. One day, this’ll be over. We’ll go out for a beer. We’ll kick back. We’ll trade war stories.
Tom: Yeah.

Scene change: 4400 Center; Daycare Facility.

Ruth to Richard and Lily, referring to Isabelle

Ruth: She was a little cranky this morning. I think she’s cutting another tooth.
Lily: They come in fast, huh.
Ruth: She’s at that age.
Lily: Bye-bye, Sweetie.
Ruth: We’ll see you tomorrow.
Richard: Thank you, Ruth.

Ruth leaves.

Lily checks Isabelle for a rash.

Richard: Lily, what are you doing? I thought we agreed nobody was doing science experiments on our baby.
Lily: Just making sure.

Scene change: in Shawn’s office.

Matthew entering.

Matthew: Shawn, we need to rearrange your healing schedule. There’s something going on: some sort of illness spreading among the 4400.

Shawn feeling and looking very ill.

Shawn: I know all about it.

Scene change: at home, Kyle reads about Marsden’s home being vandalized in the paper.

He visits the home. Alison exits and sees the flat tires on her car.

Alison to Kyle

Alison: You. Did you do this?
Kyle: No, no. It wasn’t me.
Alison: Then what are you doing here?
Kyle: I read about this place in the paper. I just—I was curious.
Alison: Yeah, well be curious somewhere else, because people still live here, okay? 

She kneels down next to her car.

Kyle: Need some help?
Alison: What, are you a mechanic now?
Kyle: Well, I can change a tire. 


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