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#203 : Voix intérieures

Gary Navarro, l’un des 4400, perçoit les pensées des autres. Ces voix de plus en plus fortes le pousse à demander l'aide du NTAC. Le gouvernement, intéressé par les dons de télépathie du jeune homme, l'intègre dans une équipe spéciale. Tandis qu'April, la soeur de Diana, débarque à Seattle. Enfin, Richard et Lily ne savent pas comment réagir face aux dons que développe Isabelle.

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Titre VO
Voices Carry

Titre VF
Voix intérieures

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Jordan Collier et Gary Navarro au centre des 4400

Jordan Collier et Gary Navarro au centre des 4400

Gary Navarro entend des voix

Gary Navarro entend des voix

Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin au NTAC

Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin au NTAC

April, Diana et Maia chaz Diana

April, Diana et Maia chaz Diana

April (Natasha Gregson Wagner), la soeur de Diana

April (Natasha Gregson Wagner), la soeur de Diana

Maia (Conchita Campbell)

Maia (Conchita Campbell)

Gary Navarro se fait menacer

Gary Navarro se fait menacer

Jordan Collier (Billy Campbell)

Jordan Collier (Billy Campbell)

Shawn Farrell (Patrick Flueger)

Shawn Farrell (Patrick Flueger)

April rencontre Maia

April rencontre Maia

Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin en mission

Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin en mission

Gary Navarro, Jordan Collier et Shawn Farrell au Centre 4400

Gary Navarro, Jordan Collier et Shawn Farrell au Centre 4400

April Skouris (Natasha Gregson Wagner)

April Skouris (Natasha Gregson Wagner)

Tom Baldwin et Nina Jarvis au NTAC

Tom Baldwin et Nina Jarvis au NTAC

Gary Navarro se fait menacer par une arme

Gary Navarro se fait menacer par une arme

Shawn Farrell et Jordan Collier s'expliquent

Shawn Farrell et Jordan Collier s'expliquent

Diana Skouris et Maia à la maison

Diana Skouris et Maia à la maison

April rend visite à sa soeur Diana et à Maia

April rend visite à sa soeur Diana et à Maia

Tom Baldwin et Diana Skouris en mission

Tom Baldwin et Diana Skouris en mission

Photo de l'épisode #2.03

Gary Navarro au centre des 4400 avec Jordan Collier et Shawn Farrekk

Gary Navarro au centre des 4400 avec Jordan Collier et Shawn Farrekk

Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin au NTAC

Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin au NTAC

Diana prend Maia dans ses bras

Diana prend Maia dans ses bras

Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin au travail

Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin au travail

Plus de détails

Vincent Misiano

Lisa Melamed

Casting (guests)
Sharif Atkins - Gary Navarro
Stephen McHattie - Dravitt

Terrain de Baseball

Un match de Baseball a lieu. Gary, l’un des 4400, perçoit les pensées des autres au moment de lancer. Ces voix, de plus en plus fortes, le rendent fou. Il devient agressif et est placé en quarantaine.

Au Motel

Richard et Lily décident de s’arrêter en chemin dans un motel pour se reposer. Le couple est encore troublé par ce qu’il s’est passé dans la forêt la nuit dernière. Richard se pose des questions sur Isabelle mais Lily élude la question.

Appartement de Diana

April, la soeur de Diana, débarque à Seattle quelques jours et s'inscrute chez sa soeur.

Au centre 4400
Shawn intervient dans une conférence. Collier reçoit au même instant la visite de Mr Yann Dravitt, un homme d’affaire. Il est à la tête d’une multinationale située au Zimbaboué. Mais cette société cache en fait un trafic d'arme et Collier fait des affaires avec eux.
La NTAC est au courant de sa venue et se pose des questions sur ses intentions. Que fait Collier avec un trafiquant d'arme ? Mais le Centre est protégé et les agents ne peuvent pas se rendre sur place et donc ne peuvent pas enquêter.


Gary, qui a été mis en quaraintaine, a rendez-vous avec Tom et Diana. Dépassé pas ses dons, il souhaite obtenir de l’aide. On lui administre un médicament qui atténue les voix qu'il entend.
Mais lorsque Jarvis apprend le don de Gary, elle décide plutôt d’utiliser les pouvoirs de Gary afin d’en savoir plus sur les actions de Collier et Dravitt. En échange, elle lui assure que l'équipe médical se penchera sur son problème pour l'aider au mieux, ce qui pousse le jeune homme à accepter cette mission.

A l'Université

Kyle s'occupe de ses inscriptions universitaires mais il se rend compte que son père n’a pas effectué le paiement et il ne peut en conséquence pas s'inscrire.

Au motel
Lily demande au réceptionniste une seconde couverture pour Isabelle. L’homme refuse de la lui donner. Elle lui donne alors le peu d’argent qu’il lui reste en échange. Il accepte et part chercher la couverture dans la réserve. Pendant son absence, la petite Isabelle ouvre la caisse grâce à ses dons. Lily a conscience que sa fille y est pour quelque chose. Après une courte hésitation, Lily prend quelques billets. Elle profite de cet argent pour acheter à manger. Richard n'est pas dupe et se demande avec quel argent elle a pu commander à manger. Elle lui avoue l'avoir volé à la réception, ce qui ne plaît pas du tout à Richard.

Appartement de Diana
April et Maïa rentrent heureuse de leur sortie. Diana l’est beaucoup moins en voyant les bras de Maïa recouverts de faux tatouages et en apprenant qu’elle a raté ses cours aujourd’hui.


Gary est équipé pour s'introduire au Centre.

Appartement de Tom

Kyle fait savoir à son père qu'il lui en veut d'avoir oublié de payer les frais d'inscriptiob. Celui-ci se défend en prétexant être sûr d'avoir envoyé le chèque mais reconnaît très vite qu'il s'est trompé. Kyle Il lui reproche de privilégier sa vie professionnelle au détriment de sa vie de famille.

Au Centre 4400
Gary commence sa mission et se rend au Centre où est très bien accueilli par Jordan Collier. Cependant, lorsqu’il dit qu’il n’a pas encore développé de dons particuliers, Collier est rapidement moins intéressé. Shawn les interrompt et prévient Jordan Collier qu’il a des doutes au sujet de Dravitt. Gary n'obtient aucune information intéressante. Il essaie d'en savoir plus en espionnant Jordan et Shawn, mais il se fait surprendre par Dravitt et prétexte vouloir poser des questions à Jordan.

A l'Université

Kyle fait enfin son entrée à l’université. Il y rencontre une jeune femme, elle lui indique le chemin de son premier cours. Ce cours n’intéresse d’ailleurs pas du tout Kyle. Mais quelques minutes plus tard, il découvre que la jeune femme est en réalité son professeur : Mme Paulson.

Au Motel

Richard est réveillé par une sirène de police. Ce n'est pas pour Lilly, mais Richard n'est pas rassuré pour autant  et pense qu'il vaut mieux partir.

Au Centre

La chambre de Gary a été fouillée et ses medicaments ont été pris. Tom et Diana savent qu'il ne pourra pas tenir longtemps sans ses médicaments mais Gary tient à continuer.

Appartement de Diana

Après les reproches faites par sa soeur, April décide de s'en aller. Pour la faire rester, Maia lui dit qu'il va y avoir une coupure d'électricité. Diana lui avoue donc le don de Maia. 

Au Centre

Gary ne résiste plus et va trouver Jordan Collier pour lui demander ses médicaments. Mais quand il entre dans son bureau, il le voit en pleine discussion avec Dravitt. Il se fait braquer et se voit dans l'obligation de révéler son secret, à savoir qu'il lit dans les pensées. Dravitt ne veut pas laisser en vie quelqu'un qui peut lire dans ses pensées.

Tom et Diana interviennent et arrêtent Dravitt. Ils ont, grâce à Gary, la preuve qu'il préparait une manoeuvre de repli dans un pays étranger pour les 4400 en cas de crise.

Sur La Route

Lily et Richard sont arrêtés à un station essence. Lily sort de la voiture avec Isabelle. Mais Richard lui demande de ramener Isabelle dans la voiture et lui dit qu'il craint ses pouvoirs meurtriers. Isabelle pleure et Richard est pris de vertiges. Lily et Richard ne disent rien et reprennent leur route.


L'équipe ont un débriefing au sujet de la mission de Gary. A cette occasion, Nina Jarvis annonce à Tom et Diana que le gouvernement a besoin de Gary, parce qu'il est un bon atout pour mener à bien certaines enquêtes. En conséquence, la demande de Gary de pouvoir vivre sans son pouvoir qui lui mène la vie dure ne sera pas acceptée. Tom est en colère qu'on se soit servi de lui et Gary part, trahi.

Voix intérieures
(2x03 : Voices Carry)


Flashbacks to season one and the season two opener 'Wake Up Call'

One of the 4400, Gary Navarro, is in a locker room with other baseball players. Gary was abducted on January 5th 1973. He sits on a bench wearing boxers and a baseball hat.

Player 1: Getting dressed from the top now? The the way they do it on the Mariners?

Player 2: Mariners? Gary's got his eye on the Sox.

Player 3: You mean the Sox got their eyes on him.

Player 2: How's it feel? All those scouts in the stands. You bend over to tie a shoelace, they making note.

Player 3: How about a little respect huh? You're in the presence of the new Jackie Robinson. Those 4400 make big news. Don't worry about the scouts, man. I'll float you some right down the middle. You just get into your rythmm and forget they're even out there, alright?

Player three's thoughts are clearly heard by Gary.

Player 3: Can't blame him. Six scouts. I'd be afraid I was gonna choke.

Gary: I'm not gonna choke.

Player three looks at him in confusion.

The rest of the team begin to leave the room. Gary holds his head as a myriad of voices are heard, bringing him great pain.

Out on the baseball pitch, Gary is hearing a multitude of thoughts from the players around him. A ball is thrown and he misses it.

Catcher: Laurence can't serve any better than that.

Gary: Just give me a second

Gary hears the thoughts of those around him. Loser, what was up with that etc.

He misses another ball.

Crowd: Come on!

Catcher: This time try taking the bat off your shoulder.

Gary: Why don't you try kissing my ass.

Catcher: What's your problem Gary.

Coach: Navarro, get your head in the game! Focus! I wanna see some contact. Majors. Kid doesn't look like he's ready for rookie ball.

Gary: Just shut up! Would all of you just shut the hell up and let me concentrate!

Catcher: Whoa gary! Take it down a notch. [You're a flake aren't you. Go ahead, take a swing at me. I'll fight you where you stand

Gary: I do not wanna hit you!

Catcher: Who said anything about hitting, man?

Coach: That's it Navarro, you're done for the day. I wanna see you in my office after practise.

Gary: There's nothing wrong with me.

Coach: Keep walking.

Gary: There's nothing wrong with me!!

Coach: Keep walking man.

Gary: Don't touch me!

Gary begins to walk past the scouts and hears their thoughts.

Scout 1: This kid isn't ready.

Scout 2: This is a complete waste of time. Ready for the bigs, my ass. What is wrong with that?

Gary: You shut up. You shut up!

He jumps at one of the scouts and hits him to the ground.

Gary: There's nothing wrong with me! There's nothing wrong with me!

He's dragged away.


Richard walks into a motel and pays money for a room.

Lily: It beats that ditch in the woods. Not by much.

Richard: It's just a day or two. Let Isabelle get rested up. Push all the rest of the way.

Lily: You got enough to make it to Whitebird?

Richard: New car, trip to the emergency room? It's gonna be close.

Lily: All this running and hiding. Sometimes I forget. We haven't done anything wrong.

Richard: Three dead men in the woods might disagree.

Lily: You want a shower first, or should I?

Richard: You go ahead.

Lily: Give Isabelle her bottle, ok?

He takes the baby and sit's her on his lap.

Richard: It was you wasn't it? Stopping those men in the woods. Daddy sure would like to know. But you're not gonna tell me are you.

Diana's apartment. Diana and Maia are sitting working. Maia laughs.

Diana: What's funny?

Maia: Marmaduke. Can we get a dog?

Diana: Smooth how you slid that in there. No.

The phone rings.

Diana: Skouris. April, wow! No, no, no, no. I'm glad to hear from you, it's been a while that's all. No we're here, just having breakfast.

There's a knock at the door.

Diana: Mrs Lennox must have forgotten her key.

Maia: I'll get it.

Diana: No, no. I'll get it. You just keep eating. I just have to let Maia's teacher in. Coming! One more sec.

She opens the door to find her sister standing outside.

April: Surprise!

Diana: April!

April: How's it going, sibling?

April flings herself into Diana's arms.

Diana: Good.

April: You look good.

Diana: Yeah, you too.

April: Thanks!

Diana: What are you doing here?

April: Pacific North West Body Art Expo. I have a booth. Don't tell me you haven't gotten your tickets yet.

Diana: Ah, no.

Maia: Hello.

April: Oh my God, you must be Maia! April Skouris. Black sheep of the family. Di you are so lucky. Look at this fabulous kid you got. No labour, no stretch marks, no diapers. No crappy husband. Oh wait, that was me.

Maia: How come I never met you before?

April: It's complicated.

Diana: We've been busy.

April: Ok, we'll stick with busy. Whatever. I'm here now.

Diana: So where are you staying while you're in town?

April: This couch looks comfortable.

Shawn prepares to walk out on stage in front of thousands of people.

Collier: It's not an execution Shawn.

Shawn walks out.

Shawn: Hello, my name is Shawn Farrell and I am one of the 4400.

A huge round of applause with cheering.

Shawn: Wow! Uh, a few months ago I never thought anyone would clap when I said that. But we didn't know then, what we know now. The future of mankind is in jeopardy and right here with your help is where we start to set things straight.

Offstage, Devon approaches Collier.

Devon: Mr Collier, Mr Dravitt's here for you.

Collier: Thankyou.

He walks away and meets with Ian Dravitt, an Englishman.

Collier: Ian, thanks for fitting me in.

Dravitt: Interesting place you've got here. Not going to be abducted by aliens, am I?

Collier: Now Ian, they weren't aliens, they were from the future.

Dravitt: I know, so you told me ad nauseum. But it's all the same sideshow to me. So, here I am, here you are. What say we get down to business.

Back at NTAC.

Tom: Ian Dravitt. Founder and CEO of Executive Projections. A multinational corporation based in Zimbabwe.

Diana:If a company wants to do business in a third world country, they'll show you the lay of the land. It's all perfectly legitimate.

Tom: Yeah, on the surface, but Dravitt's real money comes from mercenary activity arms dealing. Sold grenade launchers to the IRA. White phospherous landmines to the shiny path gorilla's in Peru.

Nina: So what's he selling to Collier?

Tom: Good question. Our observation teams can't even tell you what time Collier takes lunch.

Diana: Beyond the lobby, that place is a mystery. We've sent our Agents in disguised as air conditioning guys, fibreoptics repair men.

Tom: If we get a bug in, it's yanked before the day's over. Probably sweeping the place every few hours. As far as Collier's pow wows with Dravitt? All we can do is guess.

Nina: You think he's stockpiling weapons?

Diana: Arms, anthrax, nothing would surprise me. I mean, Collier's all but said he's at war with the US Government.

Tom: Could be laying down a defence perimeter around the center. That way, if we ever have to go in there, he'll be ready.

Diana: Think Waco. Jonestown.

The phone rings and Nina picks it up.

Nina: Jarvis! I'll send them down.

Gary is in a waiting area at NTAC. Tom and Diana enter.

Diana: Mr Navarro. I'm Agent Skouris, this is Agent Tom....

Gary: Please, please, don't talk. It's too noisy. Your voices and your thoughts just all bleed together.

Tom: Our report said that you were going on about....

Gary: No voices. Just concentrate on what you wanna ask me. The I'll hear you. A couple of weeks ago. It was during the game. I could hear everyone's thoughts. At first it was just the pitchers, pretty good actually. Cos I knew everything he was gonna throw before he threw it. He threw them five for five. Two homers, two singles and a double.

Tom: That is exact.....

Diana: Shhhh!

Diana takes a seat.

Gary: So yeah. Yeah, it was great when it started. But I can't control it. At first it was everyone on the team and then everyone in the stand, and then, I don't know, just everyone. It's like this ocean of noise crashing around in my head. I want someone to make it go away. That's what I want. I was this close to making it into the majors, when I got snatched.This time I'm going to make it. I have to make it.

Diana and Tom report back to Nina.

Nina: What, so Navarro is some kind of mind reader?

Diana: I believe, telepath is the word you're looking for.

Tom: Well call it something else if it makes you uncomfortable, but the guy definitely knew what we were thinking.

Nina: Interesting gift. I could think of a few practical applications for it.

Diana: Dr Rossman gave him some holiparodol. Calmed him down. Quietened the noise some.

Nina: So he can function as long as he's on anti-psychotic medicine.

Tom: Well, we don't have to fit him for any straitjacket but he's not going to be hitting any knuckle balls either, which is all he wants to do.

Nina: Well put NTAC medical on him. If they can help him they will.

Tom: Great.

Kyle heads into the university to sign up for courses.

Kyle: Kyle Baldwin?

Woman: Social Security number?

Kyle: There it is.

Woman: Baldwin....Nope. You're not eligible to register.

Kyle: Sure I am. I got in last semester. I just took deferred admission.

Woman: Except your tuition hasnt been paid.

Kyle: What are you talking about, my dad sent a cheque.

Woman: Nope.

She turns the screen towards him, which shows that Tom never made the payment.

Nina goes to Tom's office.

Nina: Baldwin! Got a question.

Tom: I've got Navarro's transfer forms right here. You just need to sign them.

Nina: Yeah I will, but not just yet.

Tom: Why not?

Nina: We wanna know what Collier and Dravitt are up to. A 4400 who can read minds, just walked through the front door.

Tom: You wanna use Navarro as a mole? Is that even legal?

Nina: DC cleared it.

Tom: Well how about ethical? The guy's asking us for help. Hell, he's even begging us.

Nina: And we'll help him. But he's gotta help us first.

Tom: And what if he say's no?

Nina: Then you'll get him to say yes.

Lily goes to see the motel manager.

Lily: Excuse me. Could we get one more blanket? The one we've got is kind of thin.

Manager: Yeah well, they're all kinda thin, but if you wanna bring it down, I'll switch it.

Lily: Oh, I think we might need both.

Manager: You might think you need them but you aren't gonna get them. See there's only so many rooms and so many blankets and you have your allotment.

Lily: My baby is cold. Can I please have a warm blanket, so she doesn't get sick? I'll give you five dollars.

He takes the money.

Manager: I'm a sucker for a pretty face.

She turns to Isabelle.

Lily: He wasn't very nice to us, was he?

Isabelle stares at the cash register and it opens. Lily quickly grabs some cash and closes it. The manager returns with a blanket.

Manager: Here.

Lily: Thankyou.

The plan to spy on Collier is put to Gary.

Gary: What if they catch me?

Tom: We'll be monitoring you every step of the way.

Diana: We plant a tiny transmitter receiver behind your ear under the skin. Takes ten minutes, no scar.

Tom: If things go south, we'll be in there like the cavalry.

Gary: When I was a kid, my favourite show was The Man From Uncle. Thirty years just gone in a snap. My little brother is retiring from the Tacoma police force at the end of the year. He's 53. Guys I played ball with, the one's that made it to the Majors, are signing autographs at card shows now. The game is all I have.

Tom: Yeah, I get that.

Gary: What, you play ball?

Tom: Senior year in college. I blew my knee out. Tried to slide under a tag.

Gary: What position?

Tom: Third base.

Gary: Yeah, another endfield, huh? You miss it?

Tom: All the time. But what we do here, Gary. What we're asking you to do for us. It's not the worlds series, but it's uh, it's pretty damn important.

Gary: I'll do this for you guys. But you gotta fix me, right?

Tom: You have my word.

Gary: Ok

Tom returns home to find Kyle in the kitchen making something to eat.

Tom: Sorry about dinner. New case. I'm glad you didn't wait for me.

Kyle: That's what you're sorry about? Dinner? Ask me how my first day at college was.

Tom: How was your first day at college?

Kyle: I didn't have one! Nobody paid my tuition!

Tom: What are you talking about. Of course I did! That's ridiculous.

Kyle: I tried calling you a bunch of times. You didn't answer your phone.

Tom: I was in meetings all day. I know I wrote that cheque.

He get's his chequebook out and realises he's wrong.

Kyle: That's great Dad.

Tom: I'm sorry Kyle, I must have forgot.

Kyle: You've been talking about this for a month. How could you forget?

Tom: Here, bring it in tomorrow. I'll send a note. Or I'll talk to the registrar myself. Whatever you want.

Kyle grabs the cheque and walks away.

Tom: Kyle, don't walk away from me. Just, look, I admit it. I'm not denying it. I screwed up. But works been a little crazy lately....

Kyle: The job? I've been waiting for that one. Finally feels like old times around here.

Back with Richard and Lily in the motel room. Lily has ordered in food.

Richard: What's this? Lily. What is it? Did you spend all the cash, buying this stuff? What? Talk to me.

Lily: The cash register at the front desk was open, and we needed food and Isabelle needed diapers.

Richard: You stole money?

Lily: It's not like I planned it. I had to beg for a blanket and the drawer was open, so....

Richard: He left you standing there with the cash register open?

Lily: No, no, he closed it. At least I think he did. It wasn't open and then it was open.

Richard: That still doesn't make it right. It's not how I live my life.

Lily: Have you looked around? Because this isn't how I planned to live my life, either. Look, I know it was wrong. I don't need you to tell me it was wrong. Stop shaking your head. Just eat something, ok? It's silly for all this food to go to waste.

Richard: Go ahead. I'm not hungry.

April and Maia return home.

April: How much fun was that?

Maia: I liked it.

Diana: So where have you two been? Your note just said, out.

Maia: Lot's of places. The pier, pikestreet and even the ferry.

Maia has a tattoo on her arm.

Diana: What have you done? You didn't!

April: I told you she'd freak. Relax, they're rub ons.

Maia: As in fake. But they're pretty, aren't they?

Diana: Yeah, they're very pretty. Now why don't you go get started on your homework.

Maia: I'm in trouble.

April: Did you at least like the shirt? And by the way. You live in Seattle and your kids never heard of Kurt Cobain? What's wrong with you, Di?

Diana:Thank goodness you're here to teach her all about tattoo's and suicidal rock stars. And by the way. Who gave you permission to take her out of school?

April: I'm her Aunt. I didn't know I needed permission.

Diana: Well if you're gonna send her teacher home for the day, you do.

April: Sitting at your kitchen table all day long? Yeah, that's a big loss. What are you keeping this kid locked away for?

Diana: If I wanted your opinion on how I'm raising my daughter, I'd ask.

Maia comes out clutching her stomach.

Maia: Mommy!

Diana: What's wrong sweetheart?

Maia: I think I have to throw up.

Diana: What did you give her to eat?

April: Anything she wanted.

Diana: Oh, good going Aunt April.

Tom and Diana are in a surveillance van. Gary prepares to enter the center.

Gary: Ok guys, I'm going in.

Tom [Via comm]: Colliers gonna want to meet you. You're one of the 4400.

Diana: Anything you can learn about him is great, but our main target is Ian Dravitt. See what you can find out about him and why he's there.

Tom: You have a two weeks supply of haliperol. It should keep you clear, but hopefully you'll be done in a couple of day's.

Devon spots Gary.

Devon: [*Cute. Nice shoes. Steer him over to the brochures.*] My names Devon.

Gary: I'm Gary Navarro. Kind of interested in finding out what you guys do here.

Devon: Well I'd be happy to show you around. Have you read Mr Collier's book.

Gary: I didn't have to, I lived it. I'm one of the 4400.

Devon: Well, welcome home.

Gary meets Collier.

Collier: Gary Navarro, Jordan Collier. It's nice to meet you. Well, that's a nice firm grip. I'd expect nothing less of a promising second baseman.

Gary: How did you know I played ball?

Collier: Well it's my business to know everything about the 4400. So has anything shown up yet? An ability or....

Gary: No not me. I've got a hard enough time hitting a split fingered fast ball.

Collier: It's kind of disappointing, isn't it? All those years lost....No ability. Pass it along to Devon. Get back to Dravitt

Shawn enters.

Shawn: Jordan, we need to talk.

Collier: Absolutely Shawn. First I'd like you to meet a fellow returnee. Gary Navarro? Shawn Farrell.

Gary: Hi.

Shawn: How you doing.

Collier: Shawn here's a little luckier than you and I. He came back with quite a remarkable ability.

Shawn: I'm blessed alright. See the halo round my head? I really need to talk to you.

Collier: Give us a second.

Shawn and Collier move away from Gary.

Shawn: Look, I've been doing some poking around on the internet. I found some stuff that you need to know, because let me tell you, I really hope that you don't know already.

Collier: If it can be found on a search engine, believe me I know it.

Shawn: You're ok with this Dravitt guy?

Collier: Eyes on the prize, remember? Doing business with our friend does not make us our friend.

Shawn: [*Dravitt's not my friend, he's a dangerous prick*]

Collier: I'll meet you outside in ten minutes. As soon as I get squared away, we'll talk about it.

Shawn leaves.

Collier: Here you go?

Kyle stands on campus as a woman walks past.

Wendy: Hello? Hello? Are you alright?

Kyle:Wow, where was I?

Wendy: Far away, I think. First day meltdown?

Kyle: Just lost and late. Making my way to classes I don't even wanna take.

Wendy: Not such a good day then.

Kyle: Introductory survey of 19th century Norvella's coming now.

Wendy: Maybe it'll enlighten you in way's you never could have imagined.

Kyle: Not likely. There isn't anything up in this period.

Wendy: Well this is Olwyn Hall. Take the stairs and slide to your left.

She walks away.

Kyle: Thanks. Maybe I'll see you around.

Wendy: You never know.

Kyle enters the lecture room. Wendy enters the front of the room and stands at the desk.

Wendy: Hello everybody. I'm Wendy Paulson. Welcome to ninteenth century Norvella's. Is everyone in the right place?

Kyle holds up his hand.

Wendy: I will speak to you after class.

Shawn and Collier are having an arguement in the grounds. Gary is hiding behind some tree's. Tom and Diana are still in the van

Gary[Into comm]: I can't hear anything. I'm gonna try and get closer.

Tom [Into comm]: Gary, what are you doing?

Gary [Into comm]: Collier and that kid. Your nephew? I think they're argueing about that guy, Dravitt.

Tom [Into Comm]: Gary, go inside.

Dravitt comes up behind Gary.

Dravitt: Getting a good eyeful?

Gary: Look, I'm just....

Two of Dravitt's men grab him.

Diana: We should pull him out.

Tom: No, not yet. Maybe he can talk his way out of it.

Gary is dragged over to Collier and Shawn.

Shawn: What the hell do you think you're doing? Let him go.

Dravitt: You should be more careful who you let in your manor, my son. We detained him as a professional courtesay.

Shawn: Jordan, these guys are thugs.

Dravitt: No need for name calling. We merely happened upon this gentleman in the process of spying on the two of you.

Gary: I had a couple of questions for you, that's all. I saw you guys were having an arguement or something. What am I supposed to do, interrupt?

Shawn: Wanna know what we were talking about, because it's no big secret. I'll tell you exactly what we were talking about.

Collier: Shawn. Enough! You're gonna find out I'm tied up a lot of the time, Gary. If you have questions, any of my staff will be happy to help.

Gary: I'm sorry. Next time I'll know better.

Collier: Alright. Go on back inside.

They let him go.

Dravitt: [**Careful where he wanders. No-ones getting between me and thirty million dollars**]

Richard, Lily and the baby are in bed. Richard is still awake, staring at the ceiling. He hears a car pull up outside. Going to the window, he see's a police car.

Lily: Richard, what is it? What's wrong?

Richard: Police.

She get's up and goes over to the window.

Lily: Oh my God! I'm so sorry.

Richard: I'll tell them I took the money. You didn't have anything to do with it.

The police bang on a door.

Police Officer: Police! Open up!

Male: Give us a minute!

Police Officer: Open up now!

They realise that the police aren't after them.

Lily: They're not after us. We're ok.

They hug.

Gary goes back inside his room at the center.

Gary [Via comm]: Guys, are you there?

Tom: Go ahead Gary.

Gary: Sorry I've been so out of touch. They've had me in these classes all morning. I haven't even seen Collier all morning, or that other guy.

Diana: Well, that's ok. You just go where they tell you.

Gary: Yeah but I thought you said you wanted to know more about that money that Collier's shelling out. Where are my meds?

Diana: Gary, what's wrong.

Gary: My meds, they're gone. I don't....

He hears someone outside the room and opens the door to find Devon and another man.

Gary: Uh, excuse me, I uh, I had a prescription of some tranquillisers in my room and now they're gone.

Devon: You don't need those. You've been conditioned to think you need them. Taking anything that supresses your natural openness is counter intuitive to our programme. Maybe you should sit through the nutrition and purification lecture again.

Devon get's into an elevator and the door closes. Gary goes back into his room, obviously distressed.

Gary: Did you hear that Baldwin? They took the haloparadol.

Tom: Yes Gary I heard it. You wanna abort? You wanna walk outta there?

Gary: The voices are getting louder in my head already. It's already getting worse. The voices are starting to bleed through the walls.

Tom: Just calm down Gary. We'll come and get you if we need to. It's your call. Gary talk to me.

Gary: Ok. You guys are gonna hold up your end of this deal, right?

Tom: Yes, of course.

Gary: Ok, ok. I'll hold up my end and hang in as long as I can.

Tom: We'll hang in with you. Listen Gary, someone's gonna be on this channel 24/7 remember?

Gary: Yeah right.

Richard and Lily leave the motel and get back in the truck. Isabelle is crying. Richard has a flashback to Josiah and his son's killing themselves in the woods.

Kyle speaks to Wendy after class.

Kyle: I read the Secret Sharer

Wendy: Just like your syllabus said. That's a good start.

Kyle: Not just the first 20 pages. I got really into it, read the whole thing.

Wendy: Ninteenth century Norvella's not quite the hell on Earth you expected?

Kyle: It definitely wasn't boring. I got a lot of questions though.

Wendy: Ok, well I have office hours. Wednesday one to four.

Kyle: Ok, yeah. I'll try to stop by.

Wendy: Or we could run by the Cook the and grab some coffee.

Kyle: What, right now?

Wendy: I like talking about Joseph Conrad. That's why I picked this for a living.

April cooks dinner for Diana and Maia.

Diana: Where did you learn to do all this, cos Mom never taught us to cook.

April: I don't know. I just learned how. Had to be better than you at something.

Maia: Aunt April, do you have any kids?

April: Nope, no kids.

Maia: Are you married?

April: I used to be. Ask your Mom what she thought of my ex-husband.

Diana: Don't start.

Maia: You didn't like him?

Diana: Neither did April apparently. She only stayed with Trevor for what, seven months?

April: You were hostile from day one. You never gave him a chance.

Diana: I don't think he deserved much of a chance. He was kind of a moron.

April: He was 22. Show me one guy who isn't a moron at 22. He knew you hated him and that didn't make it any easier for us to stay together.

Diana: Come on! You can't keep blaming that on me. Just grow up!

April: Ok, this was a mistake. I thought it was a good idea to come here, but obviously I was wrong. I'll go pack. There's a little hotel up the street.

Maia: No!

April: It's ok honey, we'll still see each other.

Maia: But the power's going to go out there tonight and you won't have any lights.

April: What is she talking about?

Maia: Can I please be excused?

Maia jumps up and leaves.

Gary is taking a class and the sounds of everyone's thoughts are filling his head. He is obviously distressed.

Tutor: Mr Navarro is something wrong?

Gary: This is no good, I need my haliparodol. Where's Collier.

Tutor: Mr Collier's in a meeting.

Gary get's to his feet and walks from the room.

Tutor: Mr Navarro!

Diana and Tom are in the surveillance van

Diana: Gary what's wrong?

Gary: I gotta talk to Collier.

Diana: That's not a good idea Gary.

Gary enters Colliers outer office.

Secretary: Mr Navarro, he's in a meeting!!

Gary carries on through to Collier's office and finds him sat with Dravitt.

Gary: Make it stop. Please make it stop. I need my medication.

Dravitt: Whatever's eating you old son, we'll make it stop. Count on that.

A man holds a gun to Gary's head.


Collier: A 4400 who can read minds. You shouldn't have lied to me Gary.

Dravitt: You mean to tell me that this guy knows what I'm thinking? Because I do not like anyone inside my head but me.

Shawn: Jordan, this guy's one of us, we can't just stand here and let him get killed.

Collier: Nobody's killing anyone.

Dravitt: First, we find out what our man here knows and then we discuss his fate. There are things I know that could get you killed!! That could get all of you killed.

Tom and Diana race out of the van.

Diana: Call Jarvis. Tell her we're going in!

Collier: Look Ian....

Dravitt: Shut up! Shut up now!

Shawn makes a move towards Dravitt. One of Dravitts henchmen grab him but Shawn uses his powers to force him to his knees.

Tom and Diana race through the foyer.

Evan: Hi I'm Evan, welcome to the 4400

The race past him.

Guard: Upper levels are not open to visitors

Tom: We're not visitors

Guard: Hey look buddy, I got a badge too and this is private property.

Tom hits him to the floor.

Shawn is continuing to use his ability on the man.

Dravitt: What the hell's he doing to him? Let him go or so help me I'll splatter your brains all over your highly polished floor.

Collier: Now that is enough.

Collier is hit. Gary begins yelling, whilst clutching his head. Tom and Diana rush into the room.

Tom: Everyone down now!

Collier: How the hell did you get in here?

Diana: Don't sound so happy to see us.

Dravitt: What in the hell is this?

Collier: NTAC Agents. I don't appreciate the government interfering in my business.

Tom: Well maybe you should be more careful who you do business with.

Gary: They're not buying weapons, they're planning a coup overseas. Some tiny country

Shawn: You sent a spy in here, Uncle Tommy? Good job, you almost got us all killed.

Diana: You too Mr Dravitt.

Dravitt: It'll be interesting to see if your friends impressions will stand up in court. I guess I'm the one who should be more careful who I do business with.

Tom: Shawn, you can come with us if you want.

Shawn looks at the floor.

Tom: Great. I'll tell your mother you said hello.

Collier: Gary, you should have come to me first. I'd have treated you better than they ever will. [*We're at war here. Don't pick the losing side*]

Lily is sitting with Isabelle outside a store. A woman and young boy walk out.

Woman: Look at the cute little baby. I think someone wants to try your toy, Walt.

Lily: I think you're right.

Richard appears.

Richard: Hi.

Woman: Hi.

Richard [To Lily]: Get back in the car.

Lily: Why?

Richard: Please.

They walk away.

Lily: What is your problem. That little boy was being sweet with her.

Richard: I just didn't want anybody getting hurt.

Lily: Hurt? Whose gonna get hurt?

Richard: What if she doesn't wanna give the toy back. What's gonna happen then? Don't look at me like you don't know what I'm talking about. Those three men in the woods.

Lily: They wanted us dead!

Richard: You saw what happened to them, that was Isabelle. We both know and there's no reason in pretending otherwise.

Lily: Whatever Isabelle does, she does it out of love for us. She's our daughter, Richard.

Richard: I know she is and I love her right back. But she's something else too and I wish to God I knew what that was.

Isabelle uses her powers on Richard and he falls to the ground in pain.

Lily: What is it? What's wrong?

Richard: I'm fine.

Nina holds a meeting with Tom and Diana at NTAC.

Nina: So what, so Collier planned to spend 30 million dollars funding mercenary activity in Sal Tomey?

Tom: They've had three coups since their independance in1975. My guess? Collier was trying to buy them before.

Nina: Did Gary happen to hear while Collier's so interested in an island of the west coast of Africa?

Diana: Without his medication, we're lucky to have got that much out of him.

Tom: But we do know that Collier thinks he's heading towards a conflict with someone. NTAC, the entire government, I don't know. He installs a friendly government in Sal Tomey. It could have been a place to go when things heat up.

Diana: What, like a homeland for the 4400.

Nina: Too bad you can't prosecute a man for delusions of grandeur.

Tom: They're not delusions if you can make them come true. We're always one step behind Collier because we keep seeing him as some kind of cult nut. What we should be asking ourselves is, before Collier was abducted, did he ever set his mind to something and not get it done.

Diana: They didn't make him any dumber in that ball of light.

Tom: Yeah whatever. We wanted to know what Collier was thinking. Gary found out for us. Time to turn him over to NTAC medical, right?

Nina: Soon.

Diana: Soon?

Nina: The NSAECC know anytime we register a new 4400 ability. They have been leaning on. They've been leaning on DC to borrow Gary for an op they've got planned. No more cloak and dagger stuff. He'll sit in on a few conferences. You know how it is with diplomats. They don't always say what they think.

Tom: That wasn't the agreement I made with him.

Nina: The terms have changed. Gary's too valuable.

Tom: I gave him my word. You turning me into a liar?

Nina: You've been in the game almost 20 years. My guess is you've committed all the seven deadly sins, just like the rest of us.

Tom: I should have let him stay with Collier. He might have used him, but he would have helped him too. Don't you ever use me again!

He storms out of the room and Diana follows him. Later he walks alongside Gary as he's escorted out of the building by some men.

Gary: All I wanted was to play ball. You guys promised to help, but you can't do that, can you?

He walks away, but at the last minute turns to face Tom and Diana. He turns and walks out the door.

Diana: We're worried about the 4400. It's seems more and more like they should be worried about us.

Tom: You know that bar at Mel's. Corner of Lancaster and Third. You feel like joining me?

Diana: We don't go to bars.

Tom: I'm going tonight, with you or without you.

He walks away leaving her standing in the parking lot.

The End

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