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#105 : Persécutions

Kyle est sorti de manière miraculeuse du coma mais il a des problèmes de mémoire. Il n'arrice pas à trouver sa place. Ses parents l'aide à retrouver ses esprits. Barbara Yates met de l'huile sur le feu sur les 4400 dans son émission. Elle attise la haine qui commence à se créer dans l'esprit des gens. Les noms des 4400 ont été dévoilés sur internet et le NTAC sait que les 4400 courent un danger. Ryland essaie d'empêcher la journaliste d'aggraver la situation. Mais les dégâts sont bien présents et certains 4400 sont même victimes d'attentats à la bombe.

Kyle est miraculeusement sorti du coma mais sa mémoire lui joue des tours. Il a l'impression étrange de ne pas être à sa place. Ses parents se serrent les coudes pour l'aider à mettre de l'ordre dans son esprit. Barbara Yates continue, à travers son émission télévisée, de jeter de l'huile sur le feu sur le cas des 4400. Une haine à leur encontre se développe. Les noms des revenants ont d'ailleurs été dévoilés sur internet et l'on peut s'attendre au pire. Ryland est déterminé à tout faire pour empêcher la journaliste de causer davantage de dégâts. Mais la machine est en marche, et certains des 4400 sont victimes d'attentats à la bombe.

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Trial By Fire

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Jordan Collier (Billy Campbell)

Jordan Collier (Billy Campbell)

Lily Moore ressent son bébé dans le ventre

Lily Moore ressent son bébé dans le ventre

Diana Skouris (Jacqueline McKenzie) et Tom Baldwin (Joel Gretsch)

Diana Skouris (Jacqueline McKenzie) et Tom Baldwin (Joel Gretsch)

Richard Tyler en garde du corps

Richard Tyler en garde du corps

Lily Moore et Richard Tyler au Centre 4400

Lily Moore et Richard Tyler au Centre 4400

Richard Tyler en garde du corps

Richard Tyler en garde du corps

Intervention du NTAC avec Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin

Intervention du NTAC avec Diana Skouris et Tom Baldwin

Diana Skouris avec son arme

Diana Skouris avec son arme

Plus de détails

Nick Gomez

Robert Hewitt Wolfe

Casting (guest)
Shane Meier (Glen Keating)
Helen Shaver (Barbara Yates)
Michael Eklund (Dean Keating)
Mark Valley (Warren Lytell)
Lori Ann Triolo (Linda Baldwin)

Kyle s'est réveille et ses médecins restent perplexes. Tom est également préoccupé face à ce revirement de situation. Mais pour Linda, la cause de ce réveil n'a aucune importance, l'essentiel est que son fils soit sorti du coma. Kyle reste une semaine en observation avant de pouvoir rentrer à la maison. Mais quand il rentre, il est perdu et ne plus reconnaît rien, ni personne.

Tom décide de rentre visite à Shawn pour le remercier de ce qu'il a fait pour son fils. Lorsqu'il arrive à destination, une foule de personnes se tient devant chez lui. L'adresse de Shawn a été mis sur internet comme celle d'autres revenants. Tom propose son aide à Shawn qui semble désorienté par son pouvoir. Tom souhaite en apprendre plus sur son pouvoir, mais Shawn refuse son aide parce qu'il a peur de devoir retourner en quarantaine et d'avoir à subir d'autres examens.

Lily et Richard rentrent chez eux et évitent de justesse la mort. En effet, un inconnu a piègé la porte de leur appartement, ce qui a engendré une explosion. Tom et Diana enquêtent sur cette tentative d'attentat et découvrent sur les lieux une bombe créée de manière artisanale. Elle est très basique, ce qui laisse présupposer qu'ils ont affaire à des amateurs. Tom et Diana ont une discussion sur le réveil de Kyle. Diana a des soupçons sur l'implication de Shawn dans ce réveil mystérieux, mais Tom décide de ne rien dévoiler.

Au NTAC, Dennis Ryland est persuadé que la filtration de la liste des adresses des 4400 est dûe à la journaliste Barbara Yates. Il est décidé à reagir mais il est coupé dans son élan par l'arrivée de Warren Lyttel, un agent venant de Washington et ayant pour mission de relancer l'enquête concernant les 4400. Ryland n'apprécie pas ce changement puisqu'il considère que Lyttel est présent pour lui prendre sa place et prouver qu'il est incompétent sur cette affaire.

Jordan Collier offre un toit à Lily et Richard. Il dispose d'une énorme résidence capable d'accueillir les 4400 s'ils le souhaitent.

Le comportement de Kyle devient de plus en plus inquétant. Tom ne comprend pas ce qui lui arrive. Kyle reçoit la visite de Shawn, mais il agit avec lui comme s'il s'agissait d'un étrangé.

Au NTAC, Tom parle à Diana de la possibilité que les attentats perpétrés sur les 4400 pourraient être l'effet domino du cas d'Oliver Knox. Face à cette nouvelle théorie, Tom et Diana prennent la décision d'enquêter sur ces attentats en recherchant du côté des victimes d'Oliver Knox pour trouver un lien.

Ryland reprend son combat contre Barbara Yates en allant l'affronter. Il a découvert un terrible secret sur la journaliste: elle a été impliquée dans un accident de voiture qui a tué un piéton. L'affaire ayant été étouffée, elle n'a jamais été inquiétée mais elle risque l'inculpation désormais puisque Ryland ne lui offre aucune alternative et la livre à la police.

Tom et Diana contactent Jordan Collier pour l'avertir au sujet des attentats. Le NTAC estime que la résidence proposée par Jordan regroupant les 4400 risque d'être la cible parfaite pour les coupables puisque cela leur permettra de toucher le plus de victimes. Mais Jordan Collier est contre l'idée de l'évacuation.

Danny et Nikki rompent et Shawn observe cette scène de loin.

Diana se rend à l'école pour chercher Maia. Sur place, elle apprend que l'école ne peut plus l'accueillir par peur des attentats. Diana est énervée par cette décision et promet à Maia qu'elle sera inscrite ailleurs. Mais celle la rassure en lui disant que tout finira pas s'arranger.

Mary Deneville, une fleuriste revenue avec le don de parler aux fleurs, est la victime d'un nouvel attentat. Tom et Diana découvrent un détonateur industriel mais ils doivent retourner au NTAC à cause de Warren Lyttel qui souhaite avoir un entretien avec eux. Il les accuse d'être trop impliqués dans l'enquête des 4400 à cause des rapports qu'ils entretiennent avec Shawn pour l'un et Maia pour l'autre. Tom et Diana essayent de se défendre, mais Lyttel les averti qu'il n'y que deux solutions: soit ils sont avec lui, soit ils sont contre lui.

A la résidence des 4400, Lily estime que Jordan Collier essaie d'avoir toujours le contrôle sur tout. Elle pense aussi qu'il essaie de la séduire, ce qu'il dément en riant.

Shawn emmène Nikki dans un endroit bien particulier: il l'emmène à l'endroit même où la boule de lumière l'a ramené lui et les autres revenants. C'est là qu'ils coucheront ensemble.

Diana continuent l'enquête sur la théorie de l'effet domino et constate que les deux frères d'une victime d'Oliver Knox correspondent au profil recherché. A leur domicile est retrouvé tous les ingrédient des bombes utilisées. Les agents pensent tout d'abord que la cible est la maison de Shawn, mais c'est en vérité la résidence des 4400 qui est menacée par cette attaque...
A la résidence, le service de sécurité dirigé par Richard parvient à gérer la situation en empêchant efficacement les terroristes d'entrer dans le bâtiment. La bombe explose ainsi à l'extérieur. Les agents procèdent à l'arrestation des criminels. Ces attentats provenant de l'effet domino du cas d'Oliver Knox montrent les 4400 davantage comme des victimes plutôt que comme des menaces.

Tom rentre chez lui et Linda lui révèle que Kyle est de plus en plus étrange. Il se trouve nu, assis sur l'herbe sous un jet d'eau et crie qu'il n'est pas Kyle Baldwin et qu'il n'a rien à faire dans ce corps.


(1x05 : Trial By Fire)

Directed by NICK GOMEZ

**Previously on 'The 4400'**

Flashbacks to previous episode.


Dr Mayhew: The results are inconclusive but we must be missing something. People don't regain consciousness after a three year coma for no reason.

Linda: Honestly, we don't care why this happened. Right, Tom? We're just glad to have Kyle back.

Tom: You've been poking and prodding him for a week. When can we take him home?

Dr Mayhew: I don't see why you can't do it now.

Linda: That's wonderful.

Dr Mayhew: But there is something else.Patients like Kyle often have difficulty adjusting to their awakenings. They do best in environments similar to those they were in before their comas. In every detail. Places, the people...

Kyle arrives home. Tom helps him into the house.

Tom: All right, come on.

Kyle: Why are we here?

Linda: We thought you'd be happier at home.

Kyle: Then, why take me here?

Tom: Kyle, this is your home.

Linda: And this is your room, Kyle. It's just the way you left it.

Kyle: OK.

Kyle stumbles.

Tom: Whoa, whoa, whoa. I got you. I got you.

He grabs some books and looks through them.

Kyle: This isn't my room. And this isn't my house.

Tom: Kyle.

Linda: Kyle.

He's frantically searching through the bookshelves.

Tom: What are looking for, buddy? What are you looking for? We can help.

Linda: Kyle, Kyle, talk to us. What is he doing?

Tom: Whatever it is, I say we just let him work it out.

Linda: But he hasn't recognised his room.

Tom: Linda, the doctor told us he'd be disoriented.

Linda: I'm glad you're moving back in.

Tom: I'll try to stay out of your way as much as I can.

Jordan Collier appears on the Barbara Yates show.

Yates: Come on, Jordan, aren't you overreacting?

Collier: No, I'm not at all. Publishing the names and addresses of the 4400 is a crime, Barbara. It's a violation of the privacy
of over 4,000 people, and whoever did it should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Yates: So, warning people they may be living next to a public menace is a crime...

The tv is in on Shawns house and he switches it off. The doorbell rings.

Shawn: We don't want any!

Tom: Shawn, it's your uncle. Let me in.

He opens the door.

Shawn: Uncle Tommy.

Tom: Hey, Shawn.

Shawn: Come to take the tour?

Tom: Quite a procession out there.

Shawn: Yep. They started driving by the house the day my name showed up on the Net. They haven't stopped since. Yay for us!

Tom: Well, I know this is hard for you, Shawn. I just stopped by to say thank you. We took Kyle home yesterday and...I'm grateful.

Shawn: He's doing good, right?

Tom: Yeah. He's got a lot of work to do but......he's awake.

Shawn: Aunt Linda, does she know? About what I did, I mean?

Tom: No, I figured you wouldn't want that.

Shawn: Truth is, Uncle Tommy... I don't know what happened. I put my hands on him. That's it. He woke up. He woke up and I don't know why.

Tom: You see, Shawn. This thing that you can do. Whatever it is, we need to learn more.

Shawn: Well how? How? I could go into quarantine again. They could study me some more. No! I'm done with all that. With the hypnosis and the dream journals and the counselling.

Tom: I hear you. But I can be an ally. Maybe I can help you.

Shawn: I don't think so, Uncle Tommy.

Richard and Lily walk back home after seeing a movie.

Richard: That was some movie. Biggest screen I ever saw. And the sound and all those, er...

Lily: Special effects.

Richard: Yes.

Lily: So, did you like it?

Richard: Not really. But it sure did look good.

They get back to their apartment, and as Richard unlocks the door, Lily's baby becomes unhappy and Lily doubles over. Richard opens the door a tiny bit and realises that it's booby trapped.

Lily: Something's wrong.

Richard: Down.

He pushes her to the ground and a bomb explodes.

Diana and Tom take a look around the apartment.

Diana: The genie is definitely out of the bottle.

Tom: Three different bombings in one day.

Diana: Each targeting the 4400s whose addresses were made public.

Tom: Wait a second.

Diana: It's a pipe bomb, tripwire trigger.

Tom: It's about as basic as you can get.

Diana: Amateur.

Tom: Diana, I just found part of the casing.

Diana: Mm-hm. It's beautiful.

Tom: Shawn's name is on that list. I had my sister upgrade her security system, but...

Diana: Yeah, I'm worried about Maia, too.

Tom: Did you ever think about putting her back into quarantine?

Diana: Yeah, l've thought about it.I've even talked it over with her. She started crying. She wants to stay with me, Tom.

Tom: I'm glad it's working out.

Diana: Who would have thought? How's Kyle adjusting to being back home?

Tom: Still weak, his memory's a mess but he's out of that damn hospital.

Diana: What does his doctor think?

Tom: He's stunned, just like us. lt's a miracle. I don't have any other way of putting it.

Diana: What about Shawn?

Tom: What about him?

Diana: Where was he when Kyle woke up?

Tom: I have no idea.

Back at Homeland Security.

Tom: All three bombs so far were identical in design and composition. Pipe casings, tripwire triggers.

Diana: I did a chemical analysis of the explosive. It's homemade plastique, basically boiled down from bleach. You can get the recipe's on the internet.

Tom: Just like the list of victims. I'd like to get my hands on whoever leaked those names.

Ryland: Come on, Tom. Who do you think leaked them?

Tom: Barbara Yates.

Ryland: You're goddamn right. lt's just her style. Cheap, inflammatory and dangerously irresponsible. I'll handle Yates. Meanwhile I want you two back-trace hits on every website that published these bomb recipes.

Tom: We'll have the results soon.

Ryland: So will I.

Collier, Lily and Richard take a walk and look at some houses he has bought.

You own this entire complex?

Collier: C80 homes. Once we have this place off the ground, I'm planning developments in Chicago and Los Angeles. I intend to provide a safe haven for any 4400 in this country who needs one. We're opening sooner than I planned but the bombings make that necessary.

Richard: You do think big, don't you?

Collier: I'm a business man. I've been given a second chance to do something with my life, besides make money. Cos right now, that's just not enough. Or maybe l'm having a mid-life crisis.

They stop outside one of the houses.

Collier: 93 Tomberra Lane, what do you think?

Lily: Oh, they're beautiful. They're all beautiful.

Collier: Well, it's yours. You'll be our first official residents.

Richard: Oh, we can't afford a house right now.

Collier: Consider it a gift for the two of you and your new baby.

Shawn leaves a store and finds Nikki waiting outside.

Nikki: It's a small world. You did it, didn't you?

Shawn: Kyle waking up?

Nikki: That was you. You fixed him, just like you fixed my hand. Have you told Danny?

Shawn: No, and I don't want you to.

Nikki: But maybe if he knew what you did, he'd stop thinking of you as...

Shawn: A monster.

Nikki: I've been doing some thinking. This thing between Danny and me. Maybe it was a mistake.

Shawn: I don't want to hear this.

Nikki: It's not your fault. I mean that. Danny's sweet. I like him, but......that's all.

Shawn: He more than likes you.

Nikki: I know.

Ryland get's a visit from a Homeland Security agent based in Washington.

Lyttel: Dennis Ryland?

Ryland: Yeah.

Lyttel: I'm Warren Lyttel. I believe HomeSec in D.C. mentioned I was coming.

Ryland: Oh yeah, they warned me.

Lyttel: Well, they're never happy. They seem to think you need to be more aggressive investigating the 4400. I'm here to nudge things along.

Ryland: Authority to review all 4400 case files. Access to all meetings and briefing sessions. Permission to ride with field agents at your discretion. That's a pretty broad mandate.

Lyttel: Well, they're looking at five murders. Three unsolved bombings. Barbara Yates bashing us all over the airwaves. Seems to them you could use help.

Ryland: I suppose it could look that way from a conference room in D.C.

Lyttel: It looks that way from everywhere except this glass tower of yours.

Ryland: I have 1,000 returnees within 75 miles of Seattle. I've got two dozen agents to ride herd on all of them.You wanna help me? Get me some more personnel.You wanna help me? Get D.C. off my back. But you're not really here to help me, are you?

Lyttel: No. We're here to clean up your mess.

Ryland: Where did they recruit you from? FBl? NSA?

Lyttel: Doesn't matter where I came from.

Ryland: How long have you been in public service? 15, 16 years? And suddenly you got a shot at a command of your own.Well, you come and take it from me.If you can.

Kyle is in his bedroom ripping up all his photographs. The bed is strewn with them. Tom enters the room.

Tom: Kyle, what's going on?

Kyle: They're lies.

Tom: What do you mean?

Kyle: These pictures, I don't belong in them. These people, Idon't know them.

Tom: No, no, no. Of course, you do. Look. This is you at the zoo with Grandma Fran when you were eight. Remember? And this is your birthday party when you turned ten. You remember George?

Kyle: He was my friend.

Tom: That's right. That's right. And Freddy, you have to remember Freddy. He was over here all the time when you were little. Remember?

Kyle: Bugs Bunny.

Tom: That's right. Exactly. He was crazy about cartoons.

Tom touches him arm.

Kyle: Don't touch me!

Tom: I'm sorry. I'm, I'm...trying to help.

Kyle: It's not my memory.You're my father. I recognise you, but I don't know who you are. It's like you're a stranger.

Tom: Kyle, Kyle. Kyle, just look at me. Just look at me.

Kyle: I need help.

Tom: I want to help you.

Kyle: Why can't you help me?

Tom: I'm trying. I'm trying. I'm trying.

Homeland Security.

Tom: The ripple effect. What about it? Every time we stop by the theory room, you and Marco always talk about how every case we work on has a ripple effect.

Diana: Yeah, every case but the Friday Harbor murders.

Tom: What if these bombings are that ripple? Knox went from killing prostitutes before his disappearance to killing random women once he came back. What if they weren't random?

Diana: That's interesting.

Tom: We should look into Knox's victims. See if we can find a connection there.

Gail Keating's brother's (Victim that worked in the video store and was murdered after suggestion from Knox, in Becoming) are working in a room. Putting together something a homemade bomb. The Barbara Yates Show is on TV in the background.

Yates: I can't condone these bombings, but I understand the fear behind them.The easiest way to stop the violence is to put the 4400 out of harm's way. Someplace safe for them and for us. Now, I know to some of you that that may sound harsh, heartless even. And I assure you, I don't mean it to be. Just as I assure you that there are those among the 4400 who...

Dean Keating: Truck's ready to go. I won't be happy till we torch them all. They can all burn in hell.

He turns the television off.

Glen Keating: Hey, I was listening to that.

Dean Keating: I'm sick of listening to it.

Glen Keating: She's on our side.

Dean Keating: That woman is a parasite. She doesn't give a damn about us or that our sister was murdered by one of those 4400 bastards. OK? Why don't you unload the fertiliser, eh? Leave the air filter on. Those damn fumes are killing me.

Kyle is sat in the garden in the pouring rain. Shawn enters and seems really happy to see him.

Shawn: Kyle! Kyle Hey!

Shawn grabs him and happily hugs him to his chest. Kyle just seems bewildered.

Shawn: Hey! It's good to see you, man. What are you doing sitting out here in the rain? What are you staring at? Listen, you're looking pretty good. The way your folks were talking I thought you'd be some kind of zombie.

Kyle: They won't leave me alone. Asking me questions, staring at me all the time.

Shawn: They're just glad to have you back. My mom did the same thing to me.

Kyle: My parents had you come here, didn't they? To try to make me remember.

Shawn: No, Kyle. Hey!

Kyle: I'm going inside. I've got reading to do.

Kyle stands up.

Shawn: You've got reading to do! Kyle! Come on! I just got here.

Richard and Lily have moved into their new house. Richard has on a suit.

Lily: Look at you!

Richard: I could have bought a car in my day for the price of this suit.

Lily: How's it going?

Richard: We've got a lot of work to do. Five families moved in today. Seven more by the end of the week. Got half a mile of property line to shore up. The fences are too short. Overhanging trees along the perimeter.

Lily: Along the perimeter? Well, as long as you're on the job, I feel safe and so does the baby. Two happy residents. That's a start.

Barbara Yates leaves the TV Building and is speaking on her mobile phone.

Yates: It has been a crazy day. No, my assistant's out. My phone sheet is a mile long. I never got to the end of it. Anyway...

A man grabs her arm and points to a limousine across the street.

Man: Miss Yates, Dennis Ryland would like to speak with you.

She get's into the car.

Yates: Dennis. What a pleasant surprise! Well, this is a bit theatrical, don't you think?

Ryland: Read this.

Yates: What is it?

Ryland: It's a story. A good one.

Yates: About the 4400?

He hands her some paperwork.

Ryland: No, about a TV talking head that was involved in a car accident last year. A hit and run, actually. It was really ugly. The pedestrian she hit died instantly. It was a shame. He was 40 years old, father of three. No wonder she spent so much money covering it up.

Yates: So... Are you blackmailing me, Dennis? I shut up about the 4400 and this envelope goes in a vault somewhere?

Ryland: Not good enough, Barbara.

Yates: What do you want me to do?

Ryland: It's too late for you to do anything. I gave you a chance and you refused. Steve Smizick from the D.A.'s office wants to talk to you. He's going to charge you with vehicular manslaughter, among other things.

Yates: Look, face it. Shutting me up is not going to make the 4400 disappear from the headlines. And eventually, they will cost you your job.

Ryland: We'll see. Goodbye, Barbara.

Tom and Diana speak with Collier at the gates of the 4400 community.

Tom: Is this wisest move under the circumstances, Mr Collier? All these 4400s in the same place is a target.

Collier: There are always dangers. That's why I hired the security team.

Tom: Mr Tyler, I know you're trying to protect your family, but you must realise that by staying here, you could be in serious danger.

Richard: Maybe. But you know l was born in 1922, in Missouri. And my skin was as black, then, as it is now. So, I've had to worry about fire bombings and beatings my entire life. And if there's anything I learned, it's this. Eventually a man's got to take a stand. I'm making mine right here.

Shawn walks out of school and watches Danny and Nikki arguing. She seem's to be ending their relationship.

Diana arrives to pick Maia up from school and finds her outside with her teacher.

Teacher: ...a sprained ankle.

Maia: To the other side.

Diana: Maia, how did you do today?

Teacher: Miss Skouris, can we talk?

Diana: Well, give us a sec. Can you? Sorry I'm late again.

Teacher: Please understand... I'm afraid you can't bring Maia back to school anymore. We have to consider the safety of the other students.

Diana: Has Maia been a problem?

Teacher: Not at all. She's lovely. But it's the bombings. With Maia's name on that list we can't risk having her here at school. l'm sorry.

Diana: I understand.

The teacher leaves.

Diana: I'm sorry, Maia. We'll find someplace else, l promise.

Maia: It'll be OK.

Diana: No, it's not OK. It's wrong.

Maia: No, I mean, someone's coming who will make everything better. We just have to wait a little longer.

One of the 4400, Mary Deneville, carries some flowers across the street into a waiting van. One of the flowers is wilting.

Mary: Oh, you got too warm. Come on. Let's look pretty. Don't you want to look pretty?

She stares at it and the flower begins to regenerate.

Mary: That's better.

She get's into the van and starts the engine. A bomb explodes and the van is destroye.

Tom and Diana arrive at the scene.

Diana: Is that a blasting cap?

Tom: It's a commercial detonator. Which means it'll be easier to trace than a bottle of bleach.

Diana: We'll send it to the lab. lt needs serial numbers, lot numbers, a purchaser would be nice.

Tom: What do you have on the victim?

Diana: Mary Denneville. 27-years-old. The flower shop was her father's. She disappeared in 1999 but picked up her life right where she left off.

Tom: Until today.

Diana: Are the 4400 that frightening to people? Are we too close, so we don't see it?

Tom: Something like this isn't fear. This is hate, pure and simple.

His phone rings.

Tom: Baldwin...Right now!

He put's the phone down.

Diana: What?

Tom: We have to go in.

Shawn see's Nikki at school.

Shawn: Nikki.

Nikki: Shawn. There's something I need to tell you.

Shawn: I know. I saw you and Danny talking yesterday.

Nikki: I just...want to make one thing clear. Me breaking up with Danny has nothing to do with you. OK?

Shawn: OK.

Nikki: Do you ever feel like you just......wanted to get away from your life for a while?

Shawn: I did that for three years. Don't recommend it.

Nikki: You know what I mean.

Shawn: Yeah.

Nikki: Find a quiet place where you can pretend that...things are simple. That nobody's angry at you, or hurt or sad.

Shawn: I know just the spot. Come on. I'll take you.

Nikki: Yeah?

Shawn: Yeah.

Nikki: OK.

Lyttel speaks with Diana and Tom.

Lyttel: I've been studying your case files. You're the first investigative team I've talked to, but it seems like you're the right place to begin.

Tom: Where shall we start, Orson Bailey, Oliver Knox?

Lyttel: How about Maia Rutledge? Age eight. Disappeared in '46.

Diana: Well, what about her?

Lyttel: It says here her foster parents returned her to quarantine, no reason given. Then there's all these reports of her making predictions that come true. Next thing, she's been removed from quarantine by one of our field agents.

Diana: I believe it goes on to say, 'For further study'.

Lyttel: But you haven't filed any other reports though, have you?

Diana: All of this was approved by Ryland. I don't see what the problem is.

Lyttel: Next case, Shawn Farrell, aged 17. Disappeared in April of 2001 . It's a little thin. Isn't it, Tom?

Tom: Why don't you accuse us of whatever it is and let us get back to work.

Lyttel: You two are good field agents. But it was a mistake to let two people with such obvious conflicts of interest to remain on the 4400 investigation.

Diana: This is not a conflict of interest, it is a unique perspective. It is a window into these people's lives.

Tom: You have a gang task force, you want people on it who know gangs. Same thing here, we know the 4400 better than any other agents in the country, that's why we're on these cases.

Lyttel: Nice spin. Is this what Ryland thinks?

Tom: Is that who your after? Ryland?

Lyttel: You know it's ironic. The North-West Division used to be a backwater. It was given to Ryland like a pat on the back for a career of good service. A quiet place where he could ride out his last years before retirement. But his free ride ended the night the 4400 showed up by that lake. Now there's going to be a change around here, whether you like it or not. You can either be part of it or you can get swept aside.

Collier is in his office. His secretary buzzes in.

Secretary: Lily Moore to see you.

Collier: Uh, send her in.

Lily enters the room.

Collier: Lily, what can l do for you?

Lily: Um... Yeah, Chilean sea bass? Tenderloin medallions? Lobster sushi? Jordan, I just asked if I could use the common area for our support group, I didn't mean for you to cater it like a black tie dinner.

Collier: People want to eat whether they're wearing tuxedos or not. It's going to be a really emotional night. These people are like me. Their family reunions didn't turn out as planned. It's all paid for.

Lily: Anyone ever tell you you're a control freak?

Collier: Once or twice.

Lily: Or that throwing money at people might make them question what you want in return?

Collier: That sounds awfully serious. If I've made you uncomfortable...

Lily: It's just...you go so far out of your way to make sure I'm taken care of. You give me far than I've thought about, or asked for or needed. You know I'm in love with Richard, right?

Collier: Lily Moore, you are a blunt woman and I find that attractive, which I know was not your intent. Look, why would I try to break up you and Richard? One, I'm smart enough to know I'd fail. Two, I just would never do that. Lily, thanks for coming by and I hope your support group enjoys the lobster.

Diana's at home, on the phone with Tom.

Diana: The William Wayne Construction Company bought the blasting caps.

Tom: Ok, good. Check their employee list with the names from the Knox case.

Diana: I'm already onto it. I'll call you back if I find your ripple. Thanks.

Tom checks in on Kyle.

Tom: How is he?

Linda: You better see for yourself.

Tom: What are you doing, buddy?

Kyle is drawing dots on a map.

Kyle: I'm looking.

Tom: For what?

Kyle: For me.

Shawn takes Nikki to Mount Rainier.

Nikki: This is the spot?

Shawn: Yep. Me and 4,399 of my closest friends popped out of a ball of light right here.

Nikki: It's so pretty. I wonder why they sent you back here? Why not on the White House lawn? Or in the middle of Times Square?

Shawn: I dunno, maybe they just appreciate a good view.

Nikki: You think?

Shawn: I have no idea.

Nikki: You're such a jerk.

Shawn: You're just figuring that out now? Hey, let me see this.

He takes her hand.

Nikki: What are you doing?

Shawn: Doctor's follow-up. Just... It looks good. I keep thinking you're still fourteen.

Nikki: I'm not.

Shawn: I know.

They kiss, which leads to them having sex on top of the mountain.

Diana is at home working on her laptop. She's going through a list of names.

Diana: Tom? I've found something.

The Keatings base is found.

Officer: What do you got?

Tom: Gone.

Diana: We've got fertiliser.

Tom: And tyre tracks.

Diana: They've got a truck bomb.

They brief Ryland at Homeland Security.

Tom: The tyre prints matched the phone company's service trucks. So, we pulled their personnel records and found one Dean Keating.

Ryland: As in Gail Keating - Friday Harbor murder victim?

Tom: Dean's her older brother.

Diana: Not only that. Gail's younger brother, Glenn works construction and on his last job the company was short two dozen blasting caps.

Ryland: So, one of the returnee's kills their sister and these guys get their revenge.

Tom: And the 4400 go from being a threat to being sympathetic victims.

Ryland: Your ripple effect. All right, put out an APB on Keating's truck, and you'd better not let that truck get to where it's going.

Diana and Tom are looking at CCTV camera's, watching various roads, looking for the truck.

Diana: Come on. Where are you?

Tom phones Richard.

Tom: Mr Tyler, we're looking for a truck bomb. Be on high alert.

Richard: Understood. Thanks.

Diana: We're running out of time. There! Truck number 85. That vehicle's assigned to Dean Keating. And it's heading north on...

Tom: Aurora. Heading into Richmond Highlands.

Tom run's out.

Sid: We need a list of all the 4400s in Richmond Highlands.

Diana: There's only one 4400 in that area. It's Tom's nephew. Tom, hold up!

They run to the roof of the building and get into a helicopter. Tom put's on a headset.

Tom: Operations. Patch me through to that phone number again.

Answerphone: Farrell residence.We're not in. You know the drill.

Tom: Susan, Shawn, Danny. If you can here this, get out of the house! Is anyone there?

Danny's there, but he has on headphones and can't hear.

Tom: There it is. Number 85. Get us down. Now!

The helicopter lands on the road in front of the lorry.

Tom: Put your hands where I can see them!

Diana: Out of the truck. Keep your hands where we can see them.

Driver: What the hell...

Tom: Shut up! Stay down.

Tom: You're not Keating. Where's Dean Keating?

Driver: He didn't come in.

Diana: No explosives. The truck's clean, Tom. They switched vans.

Tom: It's not Keating. Come on! Let's go.

They get back in the helicopter.

Tom: We got the wrong van. Re-check all principle targets. Report anything suspicious.

The Keatings are outside Collier's housing development.

Sid: We've got a 12ft step van parked near Collier's housing complex. No plates, new paint job.

Tom: That's what the phone company uses. Patch us through to Collier's. Use any line you can find.

Sid: The phones are dead.

Richard see's the truck pull up.

Richard: Code Red. Main gate.

Lily's baby senses the danger.

Back in the helicopter, which is hovering over the house.

Tom: There they are. Get me over there.

Richard and other armed security guards point rifles at the brothers. Meanwhile, the Keatings are preparing the bomb.

Tom shoot's one of them, as he hovers overhead. They still manage to set the bomb.

Glen: Go!

Dean: I've set it. Go!

Both brothers are hit and fall from the van, but the code has been set and the van heads for the gate's. Richard and the guards continue to fire and at the last minute, Richard shoot's out one of the tyres, which set's the van into a spin. It eventually lands on it's side, short of the gate, and explodes. No-one is harmed.

The helicopter lands and Tom runs over to the brothers.

Tom: Hands over your head! Down! Down! Down! Down!

Diana: On your stomach now!

Tom: You are being arrested as a terrorist. You will be treated as an enemy combatant. You do not have the right to remain silent. You do not have the right to an attorney. Whatever you say will damn sure be used against you!

Lily runs down to the gate and hug's Richard.

Lyttel goes to the hospital and finds Dr Mayhew in a cubicle.

Tannoy: Doctor MacMillan to...

Lyttel: Doctor Mayhew. I'm Warren Lyttel from Homeland Security. I need to ask a few questions about Kyle Baldwin.

Tom arrives home that night and Linda rushes out to meet him.

Linda: Tom, you have to come quick!

Tom: What?

Linda: Just come on!

They rush out into the garden. Kyle is sitting naked, with the garden sprinklers spraying him with water.

Tom: Kyle! What are you doing?

Kyle: I know what's wrong with me. I finally understand.

Tom: What is it, Kyle? Tell me!

Kyle: There's only one explanation. Why I remember everything, but can't feel anything. Why all the people in my life seem like strangers. They're not strangers. I am. I'm not Kyle Baldwin.

The End

Kikavu ?

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05.12.2021 vers 02h

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