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#102 : Incontrôlable

Les 4400 sont liberés car les autorités n'ont aucune raison légale de les garder enfermés. Ils peuvent retrouver ou refaire leur vie. Mais pour certaines personnes, cette liberté retrouvée est très dure à gérer car le monde a changé pendant leur absence et ils n'ont plus personne pour les soutenir. Ainsi, Richard et Lily ne trouvent aucun soutien dans le monde extérieur. Maia est une enfant qui a disparu il y a très longtemps et qui se retrouve sans famille à notre époque. Elle est transférée dans un foyer. Shawn, le neveu de Tom Baldwin, a disparu récemment mais ce n'est pas facile non plus pour lui de trouver sa place parmi les siens.

Orson Bailey est un 4400 qui se sent impuissant de ne pas pouvoir aider sa femme qui est internée. Cette frustration le conduit à déclencher malgré lui des phénomènes étranges. Il développe un pouvoir qui échappe à son contrôle et cela cause la mort d'un homme. Tom et Diana sont chargés de mener l'enquête sans alerter l'opinion publique pour ne pas l'inquiéter.



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Pilot - Part 2

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Plus de détails

Yves Simoneau

Scott Peters et René Echevarria

Casting (guest)
Michael Moriarty (Orson Bailey)
Pamela Hart
Roger Haskett (le père de Maia)
Terry Chen (Colin Chen)
Chilton Crane (Susan Baldwin)
Eric Breker (Kenneth Griffin)
Adrian Holmes (Lt. Payton)
Link Baker
Garwin Sanford (Adam Kensington)
Jesse Hutch (Brad Rossi)
Eileen Pedde (Patty Griffin)
Jason Low (Sid Stradner)
Andrew Airlie (Brian Moore)
Lori Ann Triolo (Linda Baldwin)
Ross Douglas (Gregory Kensington)
Sheila Paterson (Elizabeth Bailey)
Genevieve Buechneras (Heidi Moore)
Carrie Fleming (la mère de Maia)
Keith Martin Gordey (Alan Kushner)
Patti Allan (Barbara Yates)

Tom Baldwin s'est endormi à l'hôpital dans la chambre de son fils, Kyle. Sa collègue Diana Skouris le réveille pour lui annoncer qu'Orson Bailey, l'un des 4400, est retenu par la police à cause d'une affaire de meurtre.

Quand ils sont au NTAC, Dennis Ryland leur demande d'enquêter le plus discrètement possible afin de ne pas attirer l'attention des médias.

Au lycée, Shawn a une altercation avec Brad qui l'accuse de l'avoir arnaqué à propos de places de concert avant qu'il ne disparaisse. Danny intervient, évitant ainsi que les choses se compliquent.

Tom et Diana interrogent Orson Bailey au commissariat et remarquent que la colère d'Orson se répercute sur leur environnement et qu'il commence à saigner du nez. Mais ils ne peuvent pas l'inculper parce qu'ils n'ont aucune preuve. En effet, les caméras de surveillance montrent qu'Orson Bailey n'est pas entré dans la résidence. Tom et Diana sont donc obligés de le relâcher parce qu'ils n'ont aucun élément pour le retenir. Tom se montre furieux face à l'attitude qu'à adopté Diana vis-à-vis d'Orson Bailey parce qu'il considère qu'elle l'a trop brusqué. Mais cela leur a néanmoins permis de constater que le suspect avec des choses à cacher et qu'il n'était pas net.

Les deux agents sont de retour au NTAC où le légiste les informe que le crâne de Kensington a complètement explosé. La victime était donc déjà morte avant de s'empaler.

Les Griffin, la famille d'adaption de Maia, l'accompagne au cimetière pour qu'elle puisse se rendre sur la tombe de ses parents. Mais un malaise se crée quand Maia leur annonce que c'est dans ce même cimetière qu'ils vont être enterrés.

Richard Tyler cherche à retrouver Lily Moore et téléphone chez son mari. Mais c'est sa fille qui répond et elle ne connaît personne du nom de Lily. Richard va donc essayer de la retrouver par ses propres moyens.

Pendant ce temps, Lily se trouve chez le médecin qui lui annonce qu'elle est enceinte de pratiquement deux mois. Mais cette grossesse est techniquement impossible. En effet, elle n'a pas pu tomber enceinte avant sa disparition puisque son mari Brian était absent.

Danny voit Shawn en pleine conversation avec Nikki, sa petite amie, ce qui ne lui plaît pas.

Orson Bailey va rendre visite à sa femme en maison de retraite mais il a la désagréable surprise de constater que son lit est vide. Le directeur lui apprend que sa femme est morte durant la nuit. Face à cette nouvelle, Orson Bailey entre dans une colère noire. Cela provoque un cataclysme dans l'établissement, ce qui alerte le NTAC. Tom et Diana sont désormais convaincus des pouvoirs que possède Orson Bailey et se mettent à sa recherche puisqu'il a pris la fuite.

D'autres 4400 ont développé également des aptitudes. Shawn est en pleine bagarre avec Brad et le plaque au sol. On a l'impression qu'une force mystérieuse venant de Shawn aspire sa vie et Danny intervient en arrêtant son frère qui est pointé du doigt par tous les lycéens présents, ormis Nikki.

Lily téléphone à Brian pour lui parler de sa grossesse mais celui-ci lui dit qu'il a engagé une procédure juridique afin de l'empêche de voir Heidi, sa fille.

Les Griffin découvrent dans leur boîte aux lettres une brochure du cimetière dont leur a parlé Maia, ce qui leur fait peur. Ils ne veulent donc plus garder Maia avec eux et veulent la remettre en quarantaine parce qu'ils ne se sentent pas capable de gérer cela. Ils découvrent Maia prête à partir parce qu'elle s'était préparée à son départ.

Tom et Diana fouillent dans les affaires d'Elizabeth Bailey - la femme d'Orson - et découvrent une photo d'une maison où Orson aurait pu aller se réfugier. Ils se mettent activement à la recherche de cette maison et découvrent qu'elle est située au bord du lac Appleton. Avant qu'ils ne partent, Tom reçoit des papiers d'un avocat concernant sa femme Linda qui demande le divorce. Dennis Ryland essaie de comprendre la raison pour laquelle les Griffin ont ramené Maia mais elle ne lui dit rien.

Richard retrouve Lily dans un parc dont elle lui avait parlé. Ils se confient l'un à l'autre et se rapprochent. Lily lui confie qu'elle est enceinte.

Tom et Diana arrive sur les lieux et élaborent un plan qui leur permettrait de faire sortir Orson Bailey sans problèmes. Mais Bailey les a entendu arriver et se refuse à toute coopération. Il est paniqué, ce qui provoque des tremblements et Tom et Diana commencent à ressentir les mêmes symptômes qu'a eu Kensington avant de mourir. Orson est incapable de se contrôler et lui aussi en subit les conséquences. Diana réagit en tirant une balle dans l'épaule d'Orson Bailey quand elle voit Tom pétri de douleur par terre, ce qui permet de stopper Orson Bailey et les conséquences de son pouvoir mais Tom se retrouve dans l'incapacité de parler sur le moment à cause des dommages qu'il a subi.

Diana s'interroge par rapport aux autres revenants. Ont-ils aussi développer des aptitudes comme Orson Bailey ? Elle interroge Tom par rapport à Shawn puisque c'est son oncle et qu'il aurait pu observer des comportements bizarres après son retour. Tom se souvient de l'épisode de l'oiseau qui avait l'air d'être mort et qui s'est pourtant envolé quand Shawn l'a pris dans les mains. Mais il décide de ne rien dire et préfère déclarer qu'il n'a rien remarqué de particulier.

Shawn est chez lui et surprend Danny et Nikki surfant sur des sites douteux concernant les 4400. Shawn est énervé par le comportement de son frère qui pense qu'il est aussi dangereux qu'Orson Bailey. Shawn part donc de la maison et décide de se rendre en pleine nuit à l'hôpital pour voir son cousin Kyle. Quand il touche le corps de Kyle, il déclenche une violente réaction qui le réveille pendant quelques instants. Shawn ne sait pas comment réagir et sort de la chambre.


(Pilot: 1x02 : The return)



Adam's House


Orson begins to shake the gate and as he does so, the house begins to shake, smashing things inside. The windows blow out and Adam grabs his head as Orson begins to yell. Adam falls to the ground, dead, with some glass embedded in his chest.

Kyle's hospital room.


Diana turns up to find Tom asleep in the chair.

Diana: Tom?

Tom: What are you doing here?

Diana: Your phone is off. Ryland wants us to come in.

Tom: What's up?

Diana: There's been a murder. The police are holding one of the 4400.

Homeland Security

A picture of Orson is brought up on a monitor.

Ryland: That's him. That's Orson Bailey.

Tom: Bailey? Some kind of businessman, right?

Ryland: Right.

Tom: Life insurance?

Ryland: Yeah.

Diana: Disappeared in the 70's.

Ryland: '79. Declared dead in '86. Seattle police are holding him in connection with a homocide in Madison Park, last night.

Tom: Do they know he's one of the 4400?

Ryland: Bailey told them. That's why they called us.

Diana: Well, I thought the returnee's were told not to discuss their status?

Ryland: Well we counsel them to avoid it, if they possibly can, but we were talking job interviews and housing applications. There's not really a protocol for being questioned about a murder.

Tom: He said holding, not charging.

Ryland: That's right. There are some conflicting reports about what actually went on at the crime scene.

Tom: We'll check it out.

Ryland: Quietly. I don't want to be dodging microphones at the six 'o'clock news.

Tom: Quietly it is.

Ryland: Diana!

He hands her a folder, and they leave.

Tom leaves the building with Diana and uses his mobile to call his wife. He reaches her answerphone.

Answerphone: Hi, this is Linda. I can't come to the phone right now, but just leave a message and I'll call you back.

Tom: Linda it's me again. You said we needed to talk, so pick up the phone. Linda, come on. Alright, call me.

Diana: Everything alright?

Tom: Same old, same old. Call me, don't call me. I wish she'd make up her mind.

Diana: You know, I had a boyfriend once. Every time...

Tom: Boyfriend?

Diana: Well, don't look so surprised. God! Yeah, anyway, the thing about this guy thing...

Tom: You can stop!

Diana: I barely got started.

Tom: All I'm saying is, you don't have to try to make me feel better.

Diana: Well, it was more of an attempt at bonding, via a shared similar experience. Can you open the door?

Tom: How long did you go out with this guy?

Diana: Nine months.

Tom: Nine months. So you're equating your nine months of dating, with my nineteen years of marriage.

Diana: You're right, ok, forget it. You want me to drive?

Tom: What for?

Diana: I don't know. So you can brood?

Tom: Just get in.

He get's into the car and leaves her standing. She taps on the window as her door is still locked.

Shawn's first day back at High School. He walks up to find his locker. The halls are filled with people, all staring at him. Someone rushes up and pushes him against the locker. Kenny and Nikki are watching.

Brad: Look who floated in on a ball of light. Remember me?

Shawn: Rossi. Hi. It looks like the steroids finally kicked in.

Brad: Funny man, funny. I always did appreciate your sense of humour. But that time you sold me those concert tickets, right before you disappeared.

Shawn: To see the Foo Fighters? How was the show?

Brad: The police were waiting for me when I showed up. The tickets were stolen man. You got me arrested.

Shawn: You got arrested for stolen tickets?

Brad: Yeah, I had 5 tabs of ect's on me. I had to pee into a cup, once a week, for two years, because of you.

Shawn is being hit up against the locker. Nikki and Kenny rush over.

Nikki: Stop it!

Danny: Come on, get off of him!

Brad: It's between me and your brother.

Danny: Yeah? Well I'm making it between you and me.

Brad: See you around, freak. Oh by the way. I like the new paint job on your ride.

Brad walks away.

Nikki: You ok?

Shawn: Fine

Diana and Tom are looking at the surveillance video of Orson.

Officer: The security camera's caught everything. The guy definitely had a bug up his ass. Except, as far as we can tell, he never went inside. Kensington fell into all that glass, and impaled himself.

Tom: You've been through all the footage?

Officer: Every scrap. He never made it past the gate.

Tom: Hold on a second. Did you see that?

They watch as Orson shakes the gate so violently that it comes away from the concrete posts.

Tom: That's glass.

Diana: Yeah, something blew out the windows, but from the inside.

Officer: Yeah, we're still trying to figure that one out. There was no seismic activity. No evidence of a bomb or gas leak.

Tom: And Bailey's not talking?

Officer: We've sent half a dozen guys in there, but he hasn't given us anything.

Orson in interviewed.

Orson: Look, I've been over and over this, with you people.

Tom: We're not the police, we're Homeland Security.

Orson: Well tell the bozo's out there, that I had nothing to do with what happened to Adam.

Tom: Let's just go over your day again. You went to see Adam Kensington about a job, and even though your name is still on the company letterhead, he brushed you off. I know how that would make me feel.

Orson: I admit I was angry. I went to Adam's house to...I don't know why I went. But I didn't kill him.

Diana: Let me read you an e-mail Kensington sent to his attorney, after your visit.

Tom: It's not important.

Diana: Just a sec. Bailey is making desperate claims regarding his financial stake in the company. He actually threatened to sue. I don't think he realises, there are going to be hundreds of law suits involving the 4400. It'll take years. The poor bastard, he really is rather....

The coffee pots are shaking.

Diana: ...a pathetic case.

The coffee pots shatter. Orson's nose is bleeding.

Orson: Now I'm not a lawyer, but I'm not an idiot either. You've had me here for twelve hours. Either you charge me with something, or let me go.

Diana and Tom make their way out of the station.

Diana: So we're just gonna let him walk, after what happened in there?

Tom: Yeah, looks like it. But for future reference, if I ever wanna play good cop, bad cop, I'll let you know.

Diana: Which one do I get to be?

Tom: This isn't a joke. There's a time to lean in on a guy, and that wasn't it. You shut him down.

Diana: Look, I'm sorry. Bailey admitted he was angry with Kensington. He was at his house.

Tom: I didn't say it was over, did I?

Maia lays flowers on the graves of her parents.

Maia: Do you think they ever thought about me?

Foster Mother: Oh sweetie, they were your parents. I am sure that they thought about you every day.

Maia: Thanks for bringing me here.

Kenneth: This place used to be so nice. Now the kids leave their garbage everywhere.

Foster Mother: It's a shame.

Maia: You don't have to worry. Cranridge is nice.

Kenneth: Cranridge cemetary?

Maia: Yes, that's where you will be.

Kenneth: Be? Be what?

Maia: Buried.

Tom and Diana go to the morgue.

Medical Examiner : Kensington's a popular guy around here today. The whole staffs been through here for the post mortem.

Tom: Why's that?

Medical Examiner : Well, he may have been a boring old suit when he was alive? But in death, he's a rock star.

Diana: God, look at that. Those were his parietal bones?

They're looking at x-rays of his skull.

Medical Examiner : We've seen bleeding deaths in here, as bad as you can imagine. Even a guy who jumped off the space needle and had to be brought to us in a garbage bag, but I have never seen a skull in this kind of shape before. Thousands of tiny little bone fragments that...

Tom: Kensington was impaled. Are you saying that's not how he died?
Medical Examiner :Oh, that would have killed him, but he was already dead, from a shattered skull.

Richard is in a phonebox. He phones Lily's house.

Heidi: Hello?

Richard: Hello, is Lily there?

Heidi: Who?

Richard: Is this Heidi?

Heidi: Yes.

Richard: I'm Richard Tyler, a friend of your mothers.

Heidi: My mother's name is Carole. Are you sure you have the right number?

Richard: This is the Moore residence, isn't it?

Heidi: Yeah, but there's no-one named Lily here, sorry.

Lily is with a Doctor.

Doctor: Well I can't give you any medicine for the nausea.

Lily: Why not?

Doctor: Because it wouldn't work. You're not sick Lily, you're pregnant.

Lily: That's impossible. The quarantine Doctors would have told me.

Doctor: You said they gave you a full screening seven weeks ago. If you'd just conceived, it wouldn't have shown up in their tests.

Lily: Conceived? When?

Doctor: I assume it happened right before you disappeared. But there's no mistake, you're definitely pregnant. There's nothing to worry about. I'd like to see you next week....

Her voice fades out. Lily is in shock.

Seacrest Senior High School

Shawn is walking down the stairs.


Nikki: Shawn!

Shawn: Hey, how you doing? What's up?

Nikki: Good. Did you get your car fixed?

Shawn: It's gonna be in the shop for about a week.

Nikki: Yeah. You know, Danny and I are going to a party tonight at Irvin Chobey's house. You should come.

Shawn: I don't think so.

Nikki: Why not?

Shawn: Um, well, they're gonna be listening to music I've never listened to. Talking about movies I've never seen. School is bad enough. Partying with a bunch of runts from...

Nikki: Is that how you saw me? A runt?

Shawn: You were fourteen, Nikki.

Nikki: And now?

The bell rings.

Shawn: I'm late for class.

Orson goes to visit his wife. He finds her cubicle empty.

Orson: Where's my wife?

Manager: Mr Bailey, you have our deepest condolences.

Orson: What?

Manager: We called your hotel room, there was no answer.

Orson: Elizabeth?

Manager: It was a pulmonary embolism, about one 'o'clock this morning. We tried to revive her.

Orson: No!! She's all I have!!

He has the man hold by the collar.

Manager: Please just calm down.

Orson: She's all I have!!

He begins to lose control. Things begin to explode and his nose is bleeding again.

Homeland Security

Diana: So, the red dots mark the spots where the American members of the 4400 originally lived.

Tom: You mean, the returnee's.

Diana: Not according to the press. It's the 4400. Now you have to admit, it's a bit strange. A nice, round number, like that. I wonder if it has any significance.

Tom: So you're saying that if 3781 people, had suddenly shown up that night, it wouldn't have been as strange.

Diana: I'd say, slightly less strange. This however, is downright weird. Here's where the 4400 are right now, two weeks after their release.

Tom: 65% are still in Seattle.

Diana: They're just not going home, and none of them can come up with a good reason as to why.

Tom: You think it means something?

Diana: In the CDC, we'd call this a statistically significant, disease cluster.

Tom: Yeah well, in the FBI, we'd call it a freaky coincidence.

Diana: I don't believe in coincidences. Disease clusters. I believe in those.

Lily meet's with Brian in a restaurant.

Brian: What do you mean, you're pregnant?

Lily: I just found out a few day's ago.

Brian: I don't understand. When you disappeared, I'd been in New York for weeks, studying for the bar.

Lily: I can't explain it. I haven't been with anyone else.

Brian: So what are we talking, immaculate conception?

Lily: I don't know what we're talking about. I wish I did.

Brian: You know, when you disappeared, I'd have given anything in the world to talk to you again. I had whole conversations with you, in my head. I missed you so much, Lil. But we can't do this. I have another family now, and I'm sorry, I know that's not fair to you, but...

Lily: I am still part of your life, whether you want me to be or not.

Brian: Lil, you haven't been part of my life for eleven years.

Lily: I wanna see Heidi.

Brian: I'm sorry, that's impossible.

Lily: She's my daughter.

Brian: She doesn't know that. She thinks that Carole is her mother.

Lily: You never told her about me?

Brian: She was a baby when you left. Hell, we were babies when you left.

Lily: You can't stop me from seeing her.

Brian: I already have.

He hands her an envelope.

Lily: What's this?

Brian: It's a temporary restraining order.

Lily: But I haven't done anything wrong.

Brian: Lily, I'm a lawyer, I know how to work the system. Now I don't wanna use this, but I will if you force me to. My first priority has to be to protect my family.

Lily: I am your family!

Brian: I wish you were, but you're not. Not anymore. I'm sorry lil, I'm asking you. Please stay away from Heidi and from me. I'm sorry Lil.

He stands up and leaves.

The residential home

Manager: At first I thought it was an earthquake. Everything was shaking, falling off the walls, but then, I can't believe I'm gonna say this.... things started to fly around the room. Papers, chairs.

Tom: What do you mean, fly?

Manager: I mean fly. Like it was a tornado. Except there was no wind. Everybody was screaming. Mr Bailey Was shouting.My head felt like it was gonna burst, and then suddenly it was over.

Tom: What about Bailey?

Manager: Oh, he looked scared, like the rest of us. That's when he ran away. The staff, everyone's saying he's one of these people. The 4400? Is that true?

Tom: Listen to me very carefully. You are not going to talk about this to the press or anyone else, and the same goes for your staff. If I pick up a paper and see a word of this, or I see it reported on the news, I'm gonna take an interest in this place.

Tom, Diana and Ryland take a walk outside the Homeland Security building.

Ryland: Things flying around the room.

Tom: I know, but we got a half a dozen witnesses, all saying the same thing.

Ryland: Yeah, flying. I gotta do a briefing for Home Sect DC in the morning and I'm gonna tell them what?

Diana: Well I'd go with, the incident is under investigation.

Tom: Bailey checked out of his hotel, after he left the nursing home. He could be on the run, we're not sure.

Ryland: Find him. You bought us some time, but this story is gonna leak and I want Bailey in our hands before it does.

On campus

Nikki: Is this campus, everything you remember it to be?

Danny: You heard about Williams and Miss Sinclair, right?

Shawn: No.

Danny: No? They found them in the janitors closet.

Shawn: What is that?

Danny: Making out. Not bad.

Rossi watches them as they walk past.

Shawn: What?

Danny: Everybody in school's been talking about it.

Brad: Yo, freak! Still hiding behind your little brother?

Shawn: You know what Brad? You need to shut it down.

Brad: You wanna shut me down? You know, the only thing I'm shutting down, is you, bitch!

Shawn drops his bag, as Brad stands up.

Shawn: You're really starting to piss me off, now.

Brad: Come on, bring it! Knock me down.

They begin to fight on the grass. Shawn gets him on the floor and holds him there. Brad begins to turn blue and Kenny runs over shouting.

Danny: Hey, come on! Let him go! Shawn!

Shawn get's up.

Danny: What did you do to him?

Shawn is bleeding from the mouth, and walks away.

Maia's foster father has a brochure from a cemetary.

Kenneth: I don't wanna hear anymore.

Foster Mother: Keep your voice down, she'll hear you.

Kenneth: It's bad enough she tells us we're gonna be buried in Crown Ridge cemetary, but then the next day, we get a brochure from the place, in the mail?

Foster Mother: It's a coincidence. Look, she's not what we expected, so let's just talk to her.

Kenneth: Yeah.

The woman goes to Maia's room and finds her standing there with her bag packed.

Maia: It's ok. I knew I wasn't going to be here very long.

Shawn is playing basketball in the street with Kenny.

Danny: Come on, come on let's go.

Shawn: Give me the ball.

Danny: Your shot space boy.

Shawn: What is your problem

Danny: What's my problem?

Shawn: Yeah, what's your problem

Danny: Come on Danny, not you too. Come on!

Danny: The way he went down? That's not normal. You know it, I know it, everybody saw it!

Shawn: What are you saying?

Danny: You tell me.

Shawn: I didn't do anything to him, alright, Danny? Not a thing!

Tom and Diana are going through some of Elizabeth's belongings.

Diana: Is this all that's left, when you're done? Poor Mrs Bailey. A box of trinkets.

Tom: They're not trinkets. They're memories. The kind you leave behind, you know, for family and friends?

Diana: Hmmm. I should get to work on that.

Tom: I'm not going there.

Diana: Well, believe it or not, some of us are happier alone.

Tom: No-one's happy alone. If they think that, they're kidding themselves.

Diana: I thought you weren't going there?

Tom: Did you see this? This looks promising.

He finds a photo of Orson and Elizabeth.

Diana: Wyler summer cabin. Wyler was Elizabeth's maiden name.

Tom: Orson's panicking, he needs a place to run.

Diana: Well there's no address.

Tom: Then we'll have to find one.

Maia is taken back to Homeland Security.

Kenneth: It's better this way, for everyone.

Foster Mother: Everyone? Or just you 


They say goodbye to her.


Foster Mother: Maia honey? You know this isn't about you. You are a wonderful girl. It's just, Kenneth and I, we just made a mistake. We are not ready to be parents yet.

Maia: It's ok.

Foster Mother: No, it's not. But sweetie? Those things you say? They can scare people, if you're not careful. Do you understand?

She nods.


Foster Mother: Good

Seacrest High School

Shawn is sat on a wall. Nikki approaches, with a CD in her hands.


Nikki: For you. Come on, take it.

Shawn: What is it?

Nikki: A CD that I burned. Think of it as a crash course in all things new and cool. The Darkness, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Killing Joke, all the bands you've never heard of.

Shawn: Thankyou. But Nikki, I could listen to all the music, and watch all the shows, but it wouldn't matter, cos they're still gonna look at me like I'm different.

Nikki: At least you'll be listening to some good music.

Shawn: I don't understand, see, because everybody has been looking at me like I'm some kind of monster since the fight, but you, aren't you afraid to be seen with me?

Nikki: No! What do I care what those creeps think? If you like the CD, I'll bring you another one.

Shawn: Sounds great.

Nikki: Alright.

Shawn: Ok.

Nikki: Ok. See ya.

Shawn: Talk to you later.

Nikki: Ok.

Lily is walking in the park. She watches a family, down by the lake.

Homeland Security


Tom: Ok, bring up the sattellite charts.

Diana: So we're looking for a small house, with a north facing exposure, somewhere within the vicinity of Appleton Lake.

Tom: If it's still standing.

Diana: No structures within grids 1,2,3 and 9. 4 and 7 each have one, but they're the wrong shape.

Tom: Let's eliminate all those.

Diana: That leaves us with five, six and eight. That's too small. Wrong orientation. That's too small, that's too big. Nothing but tree's and air, it's not there anymore.

Tom: Hang on a second. Get a little tighter on this.

Diana: It looks like it could be a house.

Tom: This [Picture] was taken fifty years ago. These tree's would be huge by now. Enlarge again.

Diana: Bingo! There's your house.

Tom: Bingo.

They leave the building


Diana: Appleton's what? About seventy miles?

Tom: Yeah. Look, when we get up there, I'll handle Bailey.

Diana: Alright. Are we leaning on him?

Tom: No leaning.

Diana: No problem.

A man approaches them.


Court Officer : Excuse me. Are you Tom Baldwin?

Tom: Yeah, who are you?

Court Officer : You've been served. Sorry man.

He leaves, and Tom opens the envelope.


Diana: You're getting sued?

Tom: Linda's filed for divorce.

Lily is sat in the middle of a playpark, watching the children play. Richard turns up.

Richard: Lily.

Lily: Richard!

She jumps up and hugs him, beginning to cry.

Lily: I don't understand. I thought you went home.

Richard: I did, but there was nothing there for me.

Lily: How did you find me here?

Richard: The park, right? This is where you used to bring Heidi.

Lily: Richard, it was terrible. Brian's married. Heidi doesn't know I exist.

Maia is sat on the grass, outside Homeland Security. Ryland approaches and sit's down next to her.


Ryland: Hello Maia.

Maia: Hello.

Ryland: Oh, I like it out here. It's much better than my stuffy office.

Maia: But you didn't bring me out here to talk about the weather.

Ryland: You're a very smart little girl.

Maia: Thankyou. The thing is that the Griffins didn't really give a reason, why they brought you back.

Maia: Maybe they didn't have a reason.

Ryland: Could be. Were they mean to you?

Maia: No.

Ryland: Were you mean to them?

Maia: No.

Ryland: Why do you think you're back here?

Maia: I don't think they like kid's, much.

Ryland: Why do you say that?

Maia: They brought me back, and I'm a kid.

Ryland: You don't really wanna tell me the reason, do you? It's ok. Maybe you'll change your mind one day.

Maia: Maybe.

Tom reaches Linda's answerphone, as he's driving to Orson's cabin.

Answerphone: Hi, this is Linda. I can't take your call right now, but please leave me a message and I'll call you back.

Diana: What, she's still not answering?

Tom: Nope.

Diana: Can I ask you a question?

Tom: No.

Diana: Well I'm gonna ask you anyway. So your son, how long has he been in a coma?

Tom: Three years.

Diana: That's a long time.

Tom: You have no idea.

Diana: Maybe you and your wife can work things out.

Tom: Yeah, one day Kyle's gonna wake up and I'll have to tell him his whole family's fallen apart. I go to that hospital every day, and I tell myself that makes me a good father.

Diana: Oh you are a good father. Kyle's lucky to have a Dad like you. Cos, not everyone does. You can trust me, cos I know.

Richard and Lily are sat drinking coffee.


Richard: A baby? Are you sure?

Lily: I had the Doctors do the test three times. The thing is that, Brian was out of town when I disappeared and I haven't been with anyone since I've been back.

Richard: I don't understand. How did you...

Lily: I don't know. I'm sorry to be dumping this on you. It's not really fair.

Richard: It's ok, I wanna help.

Lily: There's some sort of connection between us, isn't there? I feel it.

Richard: I can feel it too. That's why I came back. But it's more complicated than that. Your Grandmother and I, we weren't just friends, it was more than that. We were gonna start a family.

Lily: I think part of me already knew that. The way you talk about her. The look in your eye.

Richard: I thought I was playing it so safe.

Lily: It must have been difficult for the two of you. A white woman and black man, in the fifties

Richard: Black. Back then I was negro, or coloured, or worse. We didn't care. We figured, after the war, we'd take off to some big city like Chicago, New York, Paris.

Lily: But you never made it home.

Richard: No. I never did.

She takes his hand

Lily: I'm glad you found me.

Richard: Me too.

Shawn is listening to the CD that Nikki gave him. He looks over at a picture of him and Kyle

Orson is sat in the cabin. Tom and Diana turn up and get out of the car. Orson hears them and hides. Tom makes his way up the steps and approach the door.

Tom: Mr Bailey, it's Tom Baldwin, Homeland Security. We met at the police station, remember?

Diana points and makes her way around the house

Tom: Mr Bailey, we're here to help, but you've gotta talk to us.

Orson: Go away!

Tom: I'm afraid we can't do that.

Orson: I just wanna be left alone. I don't wanna hurt anyone.

Tom: That's good, because we don't want anyone else hurt.

Orson: If you leave, I promise, no-one will ever see me again. I'll just stay here, away from everybody.

Tom: Listen to me. We both know that's not going to work, Mr Bailey. Now please, open the door. We can figure this out together. I'm on your side!

Orson: No you're not! No-one is.

Tom: My nephew, he's one of the 4400, just like you. I've seen how hard it is for him. I know it's even harder for you.

Orson: You don't know anything. My wife, she was everything to me.

Tom: Believe me, I'm sorry for your loss.

Orson: I don't need pity out of you! Go away! I just wanna be left alone.

Tom: We can't do that.

Orson: I said get away from me.

The house begins to shake.


Orson: Please stay away. Please.

His nose is bleeding. Things are falling down. Tom's nose is bleeding, as is Diana's ears.

Diana: Tom, your nose.

Tom kicks the door in and get's out his gun. As he get's inside he falls to his knee's.


Orson: I can't control it. I can't control it.

Tom is on the floor, screaming.

Diana is standing in the doorway and is pointing her gun at Orson.


Diana: Whatever it is you're doing, Mr Bailey, stop it!

Orson: I can't control it.

Diana: Stop it now!

She shoots him in the shoulder and he falls to the ground. The shaking stops and Tom get's up.


Diana: Are you alright?

Tom: Yeah, I'll call for an ambulance.

Diana: Ok. We're gonna get you some help Mr Bailey. Just don't die on me.

Homeland Security


Ryland: Bailey's alive, but it doesn't look like he's gonna be talking to us anytime soon. As far at the general public's concerned? We're gonna deny it ever happened.

Diana: Yeah well,we know better. The question is, will it happen again?

Tom: So what do you suggest we do? Round them all up and put them all back in quarantine?

Diana: You saw what Bailey could do. You felt it, the same as me. Who know's what the rest of them are capable of.

Ryland: I sure as hell don't. But then again, it's not my job to find out. It's yours. Aren't you glad you wanted back in.

He leaves the room.


Tom: I haven't thanked you for saving my life.

Diana: I never shot anyone before. Just seeing him lying there like that.

Tom: Are you gonna be ok?

Diana: Yeah, I'll get there. You know, I mean't what I said to Ryland back there. If Orson can do those things, who knows where all this is going?

Tom: So far we've got one case, and maybe that's all that will ever happen.

Diana: You ever noticed anything unusual with Shawn? Cos I just need to know, if you had, you'd tell me.

He thinks back to the bird hitting the wal.


Tom: There's nothing to tell.

Danny and Nikki are online, finding sites about The 4400. Shawn is walking up the stairs.

Danny: That's good. There's three other sites.

Shawn: What are you guys doing?

Danny: Research.

Shawn: On the 4400 scoop.com?

Nikki: It's just...You know the web. There's a site for everything.

Shawn: The 4400 menace? I know this guy. I was in quarantine with him.

Danny: They're saying he killed someone, just by thinking about it.

Shawn: So that makes me some kind of freak?

Nikki: No, we were just...

Danny: We wanna fast. Come on, he did something to him, you saw it!

Shawn: Danny, you have no idea what you're talking about. Neither do you.

He leaves the room.


Nikki: Shawn!

Danny: What? You were thinking the same thing.

Shawn arrives in Kyle's hospital room. He stands over him and touches his chest. Kyle begins to drag in a breath and opens his eyes. Sitting up, he then falls back to the bed and closes his eyes. Shawn backs out of the room.

Kikavu ?

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