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With the vast number of young people trying to “make it” in the entertainment business today, it can be rare to find one who has had unparalleled success both as a child and an adult actor. But it just so happens that Kaj-Erik Eriksen has accomplished exactly that. Recently, I was able to entice Kaj-Erik to answer a few questions for me about his career in general as well as his unique experience within the industry. 

What inspired you to become an actor? 

It was something that I kind of stumbled into. I modeled for local catalogues from a young age but never really cared for it. When I was six, I had had enough so my mom and I went to tell my agent that I was no longer interested. He asked if I wanted to try acting. It seemed fun and interesting to me so I gave it a shot. Once I started working on set, I quickly realized that it was pretty cool to be able to skip school, hang out with adults all day and make money!

What was it like starting your career working with Michael Chiklis and Theresa Saldana on The Commish?

It was fantastic. Talk about a great group of people to be able to study from. I can’t even begin to tell you how much Michael and Theresa taught over the course of the show. Plus we had SO many iconic actors come through the show over the years. I’m very lucky to have been able to work with people like Telly Savalas, Ray Walston, Rod Steiger and Ernest Borgnine. 

What has kept you grounded as a young actor and kept you from getting involved in questionable things that some young entertainers get involved with? Was it difficult to make the transition from child to adult actor?

 Probably my home life. Perhaps living and filming the show in Vancouver. Maybe the fact that Chiklis would have beat the crap out of me! I didn’t move to Los Angeles until I was seventeen. But I was never really exposed to the drugs and problems that some young actors face. I was able to stay away from that kind of environment. I’ve lost a lot of friends to drugs and suicide, though.

There is a definite transition. I’ve always looked very young. And played young. But I hit a point where it was tricky because even though I looked young, my reading came across with too much maturity and life experience. But now I’m playing dads and whatnot, and that’s weird to me!

What do you like about working for the Hallmark network? 

Hallmark has always been very good to me! I like dark, intense roles, but sometimes it’s nice to step into something a little more wholesome. The Hallmark fan base is fantastic.

Do you have any plans to eventually write/direct?

Absolutely. I’d love to direct. I’m working with some friends and starting to move to that side of the camera. It’s something that’s always interested me.

What was the best piece of advice you ever received and who was it from?

From Chiklis. One thing he told me that always stuck was “This world and this business is too small. Just remember, that PA you’re treating like crap today is gonna be directing you in something tomorrow”. (Not that I was treating people like crap on set) But this is all very true.

Do you have any upcoming or recent works you can mention?

I have some fun stuff coming out. A movie called Puppet Killer and a few short films. I’ll always keep people up to date on my social media.

What has been your most challenging role to date? What has been your favorite role?

The most challenging role I’ve played was probably “Jeremy Peters” on Boston Public. I always dread getting asked what my favorite character is. Every show is different and a unique experience. It’s hard, if not impossible, to pick just one.

Who would you like to work within the industry that you have not yet?

This is another tricky question! I’ve always loved Cate Blanchett and Gary Oldman, but this changes on a daily basis. I’ll see a new movie or show and be like “Oooh, I want to work with them!” Right now I love Stranger Things. I’d love to work with pretty much anyone on that cast.

I think it’s safe to say that Kaj-Erik has been successful due to the fact that he knows what he wants from this industry, and he is willing to put in the necessary work to accomplish his goals and dreams. He makes the most of every experience he has and thoroughly enjoys every role he takes on, whether minor or major. Moreover, he is fan-friendly and truly humble and charitable, and I believe he has what it takes to survive in this self-centered and sometimes perplexing and discouraging world. As he continues to persevere and keep the unpretentious spirit that has carried him through many predicaments in his life and this business, I believe that his career and influence will only continue to flourish. Please be sure that you check out his works and follow him at the links below so that you don’t miss a moment of this extraordinarily gifted young man’s remarkable career!


Ecrit par Misty 
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